Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hello…..from the other side…

I can't remember the last time I posted on this lovely blog, isn't it amazing how things change with time? I went from two babies at home to two boys in school, that are so big and self functioning now. It almost seems at times we are busier now that they are older.

A has been playing GMFL and it starts in August and goes until the first week of November. At times I feel like my husband is back in coaching. I guess in a way he is. He coaches A's team and they practice 3-4 days a week and has a game every Saturday.

It makes for a busy few months, but it is so fun watching Garrett coach Ave. It's something Garrett has always wanted to do.

Dax and I on the other hand, hang out at home together. We make crafts, he rides his bike, I cook dinner, or we go and run errands.

Dax is a home body so he loves being able to stay home and do his thing.

 This is after there first game. Daddy is doing what he does very well. Encouraging, praising and building up the Broncos.

 Look how big this sweet boy is. I can't believe he is in the 4th grade and already playing tackle football.

Look at that sweet QB. He is number 3 because Russell Wilson is number 3. He fell in love with Russell Wilson when his uncle Chris coached for the Seahawks. I will post more on that fun time later.

 Sweet boy going with mama to run some errands. He was thrilled, can you tell. :)

He had just given blood like a pro! When you give it as much as he does, you just become brave and strong and he is both of those things.

This picture ALWAYS makes me smile. I mean too much cuteness. I just love this little guy so much. I think he spent 1 hour in the tub, snorkeling. 

Now that it's December and things have slowed down for us a little bit, I wanted to make use of the 1 million pictures I have. Since I have the family tab, I thought, why not just start using it again. I want the boys to be able to have something to look at and have, kind of like the huge picture albums my parents have.   So if you get notifications of new posts, I am sorry in advance.

You all are adored and blessed and we love each of you very much!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Who Has More Space?

Cell phones

What do all these have in common? They stunt our spiritual growth and crowd out God's Word.

"The thorny ground represents those who hear and accept the message but all too quickly the message is crowded out by the cares and riches and pleasures of this life. And so they never grow into maturity." Luke 8:14

Have the things of this world, taken up more residency within your heart than the Word of God?

Monday, July 13, 2015


Sometimes in the blindness of our own selfishness, Jesus comes in and removes the film from our eyes and the hardness in our hearts and gives us glimpses of His perspective. He often reveals these glimpses through a flooding of emotions. Tears, laughter, heartache, in our sickness, even in our bondage. But most of all He reveals them to us through His Word.

We have a choice, we can remain in His perspective and allow His love and healing and cleansing to take place within us or we can fall back into our own blindness.

What glimpse of perspective has Jesus given you and what are you doing with it?

"So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ-that's where the action is. See things from His perspective." Colossians 3:1-2 (The MSG)

Monday, June 22, 2015

We Might Just Be Surprised

Why do we find the "Real" us to be not good enough or worthy enough? 

What has caused us to step out of our homes with masks on, instead of who we truly are?

What fears you the most about exposing your true self? 

We might just be surprised to find that the real us, is actually more than good enough. 

Jesus, You have created us with beauty and detail and love. Forgive us for trying to cover up or hide the beauty of Your craftsmanship. Each morning as we step out of our homes may we step out with confidence and humility and joy for who we are, how we were created and with the biggest Jesus glow that others can't help but be drawn too. Amen

Friday, June 5, 2015


11 years with the Mr. today. I could go all out and tell you how amazing he is, because mercy he is AMAZING. But the truth of it all, Jesus in the center of our marriage is the best thing about us. Jesus is amazing. Jesus had the perfect plan for me and him and we are so thankful to be living out that plan together. Serving Jesus together is the greatest part of us. We are better together than we are on our own. Jesus knew we would be the best team. I am so thankful to be from this mans ribs! Baby, every year with you gets better and better. Thank you for loving me like Christ loves the Church. I am blessed beyond what I deserve. 😘😘

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Selfless Service

To serve others, I love.
To serve my enemies, hard.
To serve my three boys, hard, amazing, hard and sometimes even depends on the day.

Okay truth be told serving most times can depend on how I feel. That's awful isn't it? But its true. It's something I battle daily. Overcoming how I "feel" and doing what I know is right and obedient.

Jesus said, "For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28

That is selfless serving at its finest. Its true, genuine, real, authentic and completely amazing. If He came and did it, and He lives in me, I can do it too.


First step, die to myself.

"If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life." Luke 9:23-24

To "die" to myself literally means suffocating selfishness until it can no longer breath. This is so darn hard, but the more I focus on Christ and others, with a genuine love and godly motives, the more I begin to pull oxygen from self.

In my head this makes complete sense. In my soul, I know this is absolutely what I desire, but in my heart is a war.; a war between self and the Spirit.

The Pharisees struggled a great deal with this. They focused more on the law serving them and their wants, they failed to see the reason, meaning, purpose and love of serving Christ and others.

YIKES! Is the inside of my cup dirty?

Are my motives for serving to receive gain and honor and praise?

Sometimes, yes. Admitting that is hard, but its truth and freeing and brings me to a position of humbleness that is completely required to serve selflessly.

Serving will never come natural. It is an intentional action, I must chose to live out daily, with the purest of motives for Christ and others.

I might be eager to run into the trenches with hurting and broken and messy women, but in doing so I need to make sure my heart and motives, better yet I need to make sure the inside of my cup is clean.

Am I doing this because Jesus is the ultimate lover and victor of my life?

Am I doing this because I want others to receive the same mercy and grace I receive daily from Christ?

Am I truly willing to count the cost, give up my life, shoulder my cross and follow Christ to the place of death?

This is what is required to selflessly serve Christ and others.

Selfless serving requires us to walk into the unknown, the scary, the dirty, the broken, the unfamiliar and give up our time and self so others can know Christ.

Jesus, reveal my true intentions and motives for why I am serving. If it is for selfish gain, correct me and stop me immediately. Jesus fill my heart with a desire to serve selflessly. I know the cost, I know the responsibility is great. I know the privilege is a gift. I know my trust is prudent and necessary and a must. I know my purpose and design is to serve You. I know all these things, Jesus, so help me live them and do them with a loving, merciful and compassionate heart that has been rescued and redeemed by the Most Holy of Holies. Amen

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Two Beasts-

Survival mode. It seems to be the term used most often with moms. I have even used that term several times. But when I think about it, am I really in survival mode. No!

Survival mode is the mama who spends hours sitting at the side of a hospital bed.

Survival mode is the mama who just lost her spouse and is trying to figure out how to raise her children on her own.

Survival mode is the mama fighting for her own life because cancer has taken over her body.

Survival mode is the mama whose husband has been cheating on her and she is trying to figure out what to do next.

Survival mode is the mama who is beaten by her husband or significant other and is praying she wakes up from the blow she just received to her head.

Survival mode is the mama who just laid to rest her two little children who were killed by a drunk driver.

Survival mode to me, is literally the fight for your next breath, your next step, your next…how.

I feel selfish thinking I have even been in survival mode, because the truth is. I haven't. I have this overly blessed life with a husband who loves and adores me and his two boys.

I have two boys who are healthy and can walk and see and hear and think and feel and talk and laugh and do.

So life gets a little stressful, but it's just that, a little stress brought on by me taking on more than I should.

Survival mode and stress are two different beasts. But they are beasts that the Lord steps in and gives us  extra doses of strength to rise and overcome and move forward.

As I begin studying Serving/servanthood/A servants heart, I want to be able to look outward to needs of those who are in survival mode or stressed and show them I am willing to walk into the trenches with them, and whether we sit there for a moment or stand, I will sit or stand with you.

I might not know what to say, or how to help you put one foot in front of the other at that moment. But with the Lord's help and guidance we will figure it out together.

To me, that is what serving and loving and doing life with and caring for others is. It's walking into the messy and scary and unknown and dirty.

It's being still and real and honest and vulnerable and compassionate and an ear that listens and a heart that says, 'I care. I am here. We will do it together.'

Jesus, I know this month will be very life changing, and I welcome those changes in my life. They are needed, necessary, and welcome here. I seeking an attitude like Yours. A heart like Yours. A vision like Yours. Jesus, its scary, but I trust You. Its unfamiliar, but I believe in the One who is familiar with all things, all situations and all people. Amen

Thursday, May 28, 2015


The little is graduating today. 😭 it's a combination of joy and sadness all rolled into one. Joy and thankfulness for God's goodness towards him, allowing him to learn and go to school and grow. Sadness because he is growing way to fast. My baby is just not so little anymore. 😔 Jesus continue to walk with him, filling him with wisdom beyond his years. May his desire to learn grow and grow. Use him to spread Your Word and Your name with love, passion, compassion, kindness and boldness. Thank you for his ability to learn and to grow. We don't ever want to take those special abilities for granted. Amen

We can't slow down time, but we can enjoy every moment and every minute. Spend more time living than wishing.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


There is only one YOU. Be the you God created you to be. There is beauty in who you are, how you were designed and the purpose you have been given.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Lessons From A Turtle

Do you ever feel like a turtle? A turtle is probably not the first thing that comes to your mind, but maybe after today it will a little bit more. 

In this season of many of our lives we feel like it's just easier to shrink back into our shells than face what's in front of us or around us. But may I remind you, Jesus had a different plan in mind when He created you.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline. So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord." 2 Timothy 1:7 

Nor should you shrink back in your shell because you are afraid to fail. Christ never fails, so trust in Him and walk boldly. "The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Psalm 37:23-24

For others you might feel like your dreams, goals and desires are progressing very slowly. But Jesus wants you to think differently. He wants you to find joy in ALL He is planning for you, but most importantly He wants you to be still and wait patiently. 

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act." Psalm 37:7

Finally, for some they are searching for protection, rest, hope, and comfort. Just like the turtles shell protects him, the Lord and His armor protects you and me. 

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold. I will call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, for he saves me from my enemies." Psalm 18:2-3

"Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil." Ephesians 6:10-11

The turtle will never be able to out run its attacker, but it's clothed in an armor that can save its life. 

Our armor is Christ, who is in the business of saving lives. And it just so happens our attacker, has no chance of beating Him or destroying Him. Christ defeated Him when He died on the Cross. 

So strap on your turtle shell (the armor of Christ) and move (even if it's slow, every step counts) in confidence and trust. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Can We Try It?

Can I challenge you today to put your Bible Studies away and let the Lord teach you directly from His Word? 

Don't get me wrong, I love me a good Bible Study. I am thankful for the countless number of men and women who have put so much time and effort into writing them. But when all is said and done, are we able to open our Bibles and learn from the Word itself? 

This is something that is constantly on my heart. 

It is my prayer that we will have a greater desire to study God's living Word than anything else. 

Why? 3 reasons. 

1. "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

2. "Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. They give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises." Romans 15:4

3. "For the Word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are." Hebrews 4:12

God's Word is solid. It never changes, it will stand the test of time and it is available at all times. We just have to be willing to open it. 

1 Peter says, "People are like grass that dies away; their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of wild flowers. The grass withers, and the flowers all fall away. But the Word of the Lord will last forever." 1 Peter 1:24

Jesus help us to cling to your Word more than the words of man. Thank You that Your Word is living and powerful and life changing. Draw us into You and what You want to show us through it. Amen

Here are some questions for you to think over today. 

1. What do you prefer the most, a Bible Study, or a study from a book in the Bible? 

2. What do you get the most out of, a Bible Study led by someone with a study guide and book or your own quiet time in the Word?

3. What happens when the Bible Study you attended ends? 

4. Do you have a specific way you study the Bible? 

5. Does studying the Bible intimidate you or even overwhelm you? Why?

6. If the Bible was the only Study offered, would you attend? 

7. Would you say you allowed your intimidation to keep you from studying God's word?

8. What kind of Bible studies do you like the best? 

Friday, May 8, 2015

We Are In This Together

Ladies we must represent our homes and our husbands well. It is one of the greatest honors and privileges we have. Let's take joy and pride in our roles and homes. We set the tone, so let's set it with grace and love and laughter and let's fill the air with the sweetest aroma of God's Word. And remember sweet ones, you are needed and loved and valued by the Most Holy of Holies. Find joy in serving Christ by serving your family. Let Him lavish His compliments upon you. Let's stop focusing on our need for attention or appreciation or praise and let's focus on giving Jesus the praise, appreciation and attention He so desires. We are in this together! 😘😘

He Overcame

"He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying." Matthew 28:6


Thank You, Jesus! 

Kindness Month

At the beginning of every year, I sit down with the Lord and together we plan a word for each month, He wants me to focus on applying and living out. 

April's Word-kindness! 

Join me as we dig into God's Word and listen and learn everything He has to say about Kindness. 

"Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart." Proverbs 3:3

This month will you commit to doing one act of random kindness every day for the next 29 days! 

It's not to late to start. There is still plenty of today left! 

Three Beauties

Have you ever seen three more beautiful women? Well if you have ever met these precious ladies, your answer would be no, I haven't! 

These women have hearts for Jesus and others that is unparrallel. 

They have been through more together than you could believe, and yet their faith and trust in Jesus is unwavering. 

Oh how I adore these women of God, and pray I will be half the woman they are today. They have loved, cried, celebrated, encouraged, taught and cared for me in every phase of life thus far. 

I, of course, am a little more partial to the beauty in the middle, my mama! Isn't she a beauty? Oh the love that overflows from every pore within me for her is the greatest feeling. Her smile is the greatest medicine, her sweet voice on the phone is my greatest comfort and her hugs and kisses always reassure me, recharge me, motivate me, fill me up, and in their unspoken manner tell me it's all going to be okay. 

I love her and those two amazing women! 

Jesus, thank You for the gift of these three women and the example they have set for me as a woman and mama. Thank You for their faithfulness and commitment to You. Fill them with an extra sense of Your presence today that brings about a great abundance of joy and comfort and love and peace. Amen

How Do You Love?

How do you love? Selflessly or selfishly? 

Selfish love, loves based off how it "feels." 

Selfless love, loves in spite of how it feels. 

Jesus help us to love selflessly, just has You have loved and love. Remind us how fickle our feelings are. Jesus thank You for demonstrating such selfless love as You hung on the Cross. There is not, nor will there ever be a greater act of love displayed. Amen

May we choose today to love selfLESSly! 

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Knowing Why.

If we know our "why" we are more likely to stick with it. 

Do you know "why" you chose to follow Christ? 

Do you know "why" you are doing what you are doing right now? 

Do you know "why" you pray?

Do you know "why" you feel the way you feel or think the way you think? 

Sometimes knowing the answer to the "whys" can be hard to figure out. But know this one thing. 

Jesus' why....was YOU! 

Why did He come...for YOU. 

Why did He die...for YOU. 

Why did He rise from the dead...for YOU.

Why did He leave the Holy Spirit...for YOU. 

Why did He create you...to please Him! 

Why does He want a relationship with you....because He loves YOU. 

Why should you commit your mind, body, soul, strength and life to Him...because He gave up His...for YOU! 

Come be apart of our amazing team! We want to walk with you as you seek to honor Christ with your life, health, mind and body. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Sweetest Worship

"I could have no greater joy than to hear (see) that my children are following the truth." 3 John 1:4

There is no greater thing than watching you worship Jesus. May your fire and love for Him never be dimmed. I share this not to boast but to give praise to Jesus because You are His and He is yours. Jesus Your filling within him is breathtaking. Thank You for his boldness and love for you. Thank You that in that moment it was all about You and him. May he continue to fall more and more in love with You everyday. Continue Jesus to fill both of them with wisdom beyond their years and with a hunger for You and Your Word. May You always remain right in the center of their lives. Jesus Your presence and beauty in and through him tonight was captivating. Thank You for showing Yourself to Him and through him to us. Thank You that he listened to Your leading, sensed Your presence and worshiped. Jesus may our worship be this pure, this Spirit led, fully committed, with the sweetest intention and love because of who You are and what You have done. Amen

Sunday, May 3, 2015


All to often we focus on being, having, and or doing that we lose sight of "living." 

As we begin a new week, I pray we focus on living. 

Living in His presence. 
Living in The abundance of His love. Living in joy. 
Living in the richness of His Word. 

Let's live because He lives. Because He gave up His life so we could have everlasting life. 

Life will not be easier, but it will be better and far more rewarding, because He aligns all things according to His plans and His ways, when we live for Him. 

"While we live we live to please the Lord." Romans 14:8

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Dear Mommies

Hey mommies, Jesus never asked us to be perfect or to conquer the world, or to be better than Sarah down the street or Beth who seems to have it all together. He just asked us to be the mommy He designed us to be, and do our part and trust Him to do His.

No, it's not always easy, but He never told us it would be. We have to constantly battle the comparison, and doubt, and the I am never good enough, and I will never have it all together voices Satan tries to fill our minds with.

That is why it is so important we fill our thoughts with His Word and keep our eyes focused on Him.

When we take our eyes off of Christ and put them on the people around us, we are allowing those voices of comparison and doubt to become louder and louder.

When we fail to open His Word and feast on His truths and promises we are allowing the world's opinions to creep in and fill us with unwanted garbage.

Let's remember who we are in Christ, women of worth, value, purpose and clothed in the love and blood of Christ. Let's remember we are His first. He is more than enough for us. He is more than able and capable of filling in where we fail. He is strong when we are tired and weak. He is our constant source of sanity and hope and stress relief and joy and He is our greatest companion, listener, problem solver and comfort.

When we feel bent over and unable to stand up because of all we have placed on our backs, let's remember this one promise.

"The Lord is faithful in all he says; He is gracious in all he does. The Lord lifts up those bent beneath their loads." Psalm 145:13-14

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


In order to teach our children and others how to be confident, we must first set the example. But we must first follow the perfect example...Christ! 

The way we live and the things we do make a HUGE impact on our families lives, especially our children. 

Often times, we need to take a step back and allow God to open our eyes to see what example we have modeled. This will be very visible by the way our children act, the things they do, say and even their habits. 

If our children eat poorly, it's most likely because we allowed, and even encouraged it by feeding it to them. 

If we struggle with over eating, our children could too. 

If our attitudes are negative, more than likely so will theirs be. 

If we don't spend time in the Word, our children probably won't either. 

If we use poor language, they probably will too. 

If we are never content, they might not be either. 
If we have no confidence in ourselves or in our relationship with Christ, then more than likely they won't either. 

Let's learn from the One who was the perfect example, Jesus. 

The more we know Him, the more we will live like Him, and desire too. 

I promise, if your relationship with Christ is intimate and real and growing and you are always talking and communicating with Him, Your confidence will grow. Your actions will be a reflection of Your relationship with Him and it will produce fruit that will be seen through the lives of your children. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Do our lives show the difference?

"Don't be selfish; don't live to make a good impression on others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourself. Don't think only about your own affairs, but be interested in others, too and what they are doing." Philippians 2:3-4

There is a huge difference between selfishness and self LESS ness. 

1. Hinders our relationship with Christ and others.

2. Interferes with what God wants to do in us and through us. 

3. Says "Me" first

4. Weakens our spiritual growth

5. Blinds us to God's truths

6. Focuses inward

7. Says, "Do for me."

Self LESSness...

1. Says, "God first."

2. Is concerned about others

3. Keeps its focus on God and the things above. 

4. Loves without requirement

5. Speaks truth

6. Encourages

7. Gives of its time 

8. Works for God and to bring Him glory

9. Doesn't seek the praise of man

10. Is aware that time is fleeting and doesn't waste opportunity to serve and share Christ with others. 

11. Has not hidden agenda or impure motive. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

We Too Can Overcome

"For forty days and 40 nights He ate nothing and became very hungry." Matthew 4:2

When we think of having to go without something apart of us panics and begins to question, "what about this? How will it work? What if this happens, what will I do?" 

To be able to separate ourselves physically (flesh) and spiritually requires a great help from the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus knows exactly what it is like to go without. He spent 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness. 

Not only was He alone, tired, weak, hungry and thirsty, but He also endured the temptations Satan tried to throw at Him. 

And despite all that, Jesus never gave in, He never quit and He never sinned. 

This is just a glimpse of how amazing Christ is. 

Not only that, but we now have Jesus within us. 

If we could just take some time and draw deep into the well spring of His living water and allow it to nourish us, we would be able to display and live a life more like His. A selfLESS, rich, satisfying life that is able to overcome and deflect the fiery arrows Satan and the world shoots at us. 

Let Matthew 4:1-11 encourage you to desire to live more and more with less of the things your flesh wants and more of what your soul desires, Jesus! 

Be encouraged, Jesus overcame many things and because He lives within us, we can too! 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Pure At Heart

As we begin a new day that the Lord has made, let's focus on having pure motives in all that we do. 

It's easy to let self get in the way this causing our motives to become selfish. 

Let's remember why we are choosing to be healthy. Not for ourselves but for Christ. 

May our motives be pure in His sight and pleasing to His eyes. 

In your time with the Lord today ask Him to reveal your true motives.

And as He does thank Him, praise Him and confess the ones that displease Him. 

May this verse fall upon you today and begin to weave itself into the deepest parts of your being uprooting any impure or selfish motives. 

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends You, and lead me along the path of everlasting life." 

Jesus thank You for loving us so much that You desire only the very best. May every thought, spoken word, action and reason be to magnify You. Help us be mindful and conscious of our health today. Before we eat or do anything may we think of the benefits and effects it will have on our bodies. Help our motives to be pure and selfless. Amen

Monday, March 9, 2015

Revealing the Truth

Grab your Bible and flip over to Romans 12:1-5

1. Why is it important for us to give our bodies to God? What does this look like?

2. Make a list of 10 things God has done for you. 

3. How can you surrender your thought life to the Lord? 

4. What are some ways you have copied the behaviors of the world with your health? 

5. What role do you play in the Body of Christ? 

6. Why are we to function as one body? 

7. How does our health affect the Body of Christ? 

8. What are some areas you need God to cleanse in order for you to honor Him with your health and walk with Him? List those out. 

    -I.E.Your eating habits, your thought life, etc. 

Jesus as we look over this powerful passage, may we not just read it, but may we study it, absorb it, chew on it and digest it. Help us to be open and honest in our answers so we can truly be transformed. May each one of these sweet people in this group find the time to get with You and discuss these areas. Reveal amazing things to them. Jesus we desire to be the absolute best we can be for You. Help us not to walk away feeling defeated or ashamed of the truth of our answers but instead to walk away refreshed and excited to change. Amen

Monday, March 2, 2015

On Loan

"You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
For true change, we must fully accept and acknowledge that we don't own our bodies. They have been loaned to us by Christ. He allows us to live in them while we live here on earth. , and He expects us to take care of them. 

1st spiritually
2nd physically

Jesus thank You for the body You have given me. May I honor You by honoring it. Amen

Friday, February 27, 2015

Life Is Short

Life is so short, let's not neglect what is truly important-telling others about Jesus. 

No matter how long we live, life is short. So how can we make the most of each day we are given? 

Love more
Forgive more
Share JESUS more
Become more disciplined
Focus more on Christ and less on self
Laugh more
Hug more
Care for the place Christ lives-within us
Fuel our bodies with God's Word
Praise more
And spend more time saying thank you! 

Don't put off the things God has called you to do today! 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

It Was Never a Second Thought

He never thought twice about the cost, He knew exactly what/ who He was paying/dying for…YOU! Jesus didn't put us on layaway, nor did He take out a loan. And He never once thought about returning us. He gave up His life and paid in full. 

He did it because He loves us. He paid the price so we wouldn’t have too. 

He was completely committed to saving us, redeeming us; cleansing us, and restoring us back to Him. 

Don’t you think it’s time we give back to Him?

 “And so, dear brothers and sisters, I please with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice-the kind he will accept. When you think about what He has done for you, is this too much to ask? Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect his will really is.” Romans 12:1-2

Monday, February 23, 2015

Finish the Race

I don't have a life changing story. But I have a heart that is being changed daily by the grace of God. His word within me, His love for me and the very fact He lives in me is my on going transformation. 

I have a love to encourage and share Christ with others and a passion to walk with them as they grow in their relationship with Christ. 

It's all about fighting the good fight and finishing the race with a group of other passionate Jesus followers. 

One of the newest ways Jesus is using me is through health. 

This is an area I never thought I would be used in, being the fact that food and me haven't meshed well and well...cooking let's just not go there. So when my hubby became fed up with eating horrible food one night, it was the beginning of a much needed change within me. I knew that night I needed to start making a better effort to fuel all three of my boys with the proper foods to help them be the best they can be for the Lord. 

That's where the Daniel Plan came in (Rick Warren) I spent a lot of time in prayer and still have and began reading what God's Word said about our health and bodies. 

It's been almost two years since that night and the Lord has done amazing things in and through each of us. As you have seen the greatest change has taken place in my husband's life. It's a joint effort. It requires teamwork, commitment, planning and action. 

But most of all it requires three key factors that will not only benefit your health but also your relationship with Christ. 

1. Counting the cost 

2. Giving up yourself

3. Commitment to finish the race. 

So what's keeping you from taking care of the one thing God created to be used for His glory? 

Our bodies are not our own. They belong to Christ and were bought with a price only Christ could pay. 

He gave up His for you, will you do the same for Him? 

Let's visit! 

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Today, commitments are made and broken as though they were never intended to be kept. But there is one commitment that must always remain. It's the commitment you and I made when we counted the cost of following Christ and then said, "Yes!" No matter how hard life gets, or how much Satan attacks, we MUST remain committed to the One who committed to giving up His own life to save us. 

Before we make a commitment let's make sure we are willing to keep it and see it through all the way to the end! 

If you have committed your life to Christ are you following through with it? Are you doing your part? That is the first and most important commitment. 

If you are committing to take better care of your body, the temple where Christ lives, are you willing to stick with it to the end? 

Before you commit to anything ask yourself these three questions. 

1. Will this commitment draw me closer to the Lord or away? 

2. Will this commitment honor and bring glory to His Name? 

3. Why do I want to make this commitment?

Have you made a commitment to the Lord? How are you keeping your end of that commitment up? 

As I step into a new, yet unfamiliar calling to encourage others to honor the Lord with their health, bodies and relationship with Christ. It is a commitment I am taking very serious. Because if He finds me, a sinner, worthy enough to be used, it is a role I want to honor Him with and be fully committed, obedient in. I want Him to be known! I want others to see that counting the cost and giving up their life for Him is truly the best commitment and decision they will ever make. 

Are you ready to commit your life, body and  healthy to Christ? 

It's an investment spiritually and financially but He is worth it! 

If you're ready to commit, leave us your email and we will help you get started. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Clothed in the Truth

"Who do you think you are? You're never going to change! You have never been able to change in the past. What makes you think this will be any different? It's hopeless, and you're hopeless. So don't even try! People will laugh at you. You have nothing to offer. You aren't good enough..."
Do any of these lies run through your mind? These are all lies Satan wants you to focus on. His main goal is to deflate you, convince you are incapable, unworthy, and he wants to make you quit! ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
He wants to fill your thoughts with so much doubt and insecurity that you would rather stay hidden then expose yourself or allow God to use you. (Trust me I have been there and still go there at times)
But here is the truth! You and me were created in the image of God. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. We have purpose and meaning which is found in Jesus. He is our strength and source of hope. It is He who we are to live for. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
Focus on God's truth and let His promises drowned out the lies of Satan!

It's Not A Competition

Do we take offense when others leave a Church?

Do we stop and evaluate the Church as a whole when people begin to leave? 

Do we become angry and precede to make accusations without knowing the why? 

Not to long ago I heard a Pastor speak poorly against a Church here in Midland because of the way they structured their services. As I thought more about this I began to wonder what it was that he truly didn't like.

Had he actually attended one of the services there to back up what he was saying? 

Did he go off of what others said?

What made him come to the conclusion that he did? 

There is a huge difference between these two Churches. We have attended both. One is very traditional and still has the mindset it did 20 years ago. 

And the other is a more contemporary young Church that packs people of all ages in. So much so it requires 4 services verse one. 

One has Sunday School classes one doesn't. They each have different children's programs both of which are good. 

One seeks to outreach to the community and make all feel welcome and one is content with reaching just within the four walls. 

The one thing they both have in common is they both preach the Word of God. 

As I began to discuss this with the Lord I really began asking and listening to what He thought about this matter. 

And this is what He taught me. He has called and trained men up to become leaders and preachers that can reach people in all walks of life. 

Some men He has trained up to have a heart for the poor, the sick, the broken and people in the community who want to know that God loves them and accepts them just the way they are. 

I think you will agree with me that not all Pastors have hearts like this nor a lot of us. How can you tell the difference? Look at the Church, it's growth and range of age groups that attend. 

It's NOT about man, it's about sharing the Gospel of Christ to ALL people. It's about extending the four walls of the Church and leaving open the door for people to come in. 

It's about focusing on the life of Christ and how He lead and ran His ministry.

It's about looking beyond self to see the needs of others. It's about making a way for all people to come in and be able to use the gifts and abilities God has given them. 

You cut that out from a Church and tell people no, watch God begin to shake a Church up. Watch people begin to leave and go where they can be used by God. 

Why is it we do what we do? Is it to truly teach the Word of God or to draw attention to ourselves while making accusations against another Church that really does have a desire to serve God and others. 

Remember what Paul said in Galatians 2:7-10

"Instead, they saw that God had given me the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the responsibility of preaching to the Jews. For the same God who worked through Peter as the apostle to the Jews also worked through me as the apostle to the Gentiles. In fact, James, Peter, and John, who were known as pillars of the church, recognized the gift God had given me, and they accepted Barnabas and me as their co-workers. They encouraged us to keep preaching to the Gentiles, while they continued their work with the Jews. Their only suggestion was that we keep on helping the poor, which I have always been eager to do." 

And then again in Philippians 1:15-19 which I believe puts it all into perspective. 

"It’s true that some are preaching out of jealousy and rivalry. But others preach about Christ with pure motives. They preach because they love me, for they know I have been appointed to defend the Good News. Those others do not have pure motives as they preach about Christ. They preach with selfish ambition, not sincerely, intending to make my chains more painful to me. But that doesn’t matter. Whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice. For I know that as you pray for me and the Spirit of Jesus Christ helps me, this will lead to my deliverance." 

I want to close with this verse. 

"Don't make accusations against someone who hasn't wronged you." Proverbs 4:30

Jesus thank You for the truth of Your Word. Thank You for seeing the true motives of our hearts and for loving us in spite of them and our sinfulness. Help us not to make accusations against those who haven't wronged us. And to stand up for them when others try to tear them down. Thank You for giving us the choice to choose a Church home where You are the center, alive, and doing big things in the lives of others. Thank You for bringing people into our lives that have the same vision and passion to reach all people and who encourage one another to fulfill and use the gifts You have given each of us. Thank You for showing us it's not a competition rather it's about teamwork. Amen

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Join Us!!!

Y'all this man, my amazing husband has such a wonderful transformation taking place in his life. 


He started out skeptical about the Daniel Plan, Beachbody, shakeology and doing a DVD workout but once he began to see the benefits of them and the changes they began to make in his health, his body and spiritually, he instantly became addicted, thankful and excited. 


It has been so awesome to see and watch him during this transformation. The way he feels, the way he now encourages others, and the impact he is making on others is a beautiful thing. 


Together we are better for the Lord our boys and one another because of the decision we made to take care of our Temples. When we realized our temples housed the living God, it no longer became a question. 

Can we encourage you to seek the Lord today and allow Him to reveal the importance of taking care of your body. We would love to walk with you and encourage you as you seek to make healthy changes for Christ. 

Join us in our next challenge group where its all about healthy eating, feeding on God's Word and exercising. And it's ALL FOR FREE!!!

Leave your email below and we will add you to the group!! 

Jesus we are excited to watch You begin to work in the lives of couples as they seek to honor you with their bodies spiritually and physically. Amen

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Greatest Architect

What does

Scarlet yarn
Fine linen
Goat hair for cloth
Tanned ram skins
Fine goatskin leather
Acacia wood
Olive oil for lamps
Onyx stones
Other stones

All have in common? 

What purpose do each of these items serve?

What made them unique?

Why were they so precious to God?

Want to know more? 

Join me as we review the Great Architecture design of the Tabernacle! 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

It's Time for A Change

Are you tired of things never changing? Jesus has something so amazing in store for you. 

But it's YOUR choice. 

Are you ready to make some healthy and spiritual changes? 

If so, I would LOVE for you to join me in a 30 day challenge starting February 16. 

The Challenge will consist of...
Private group to share and be encouraged by other women seeking to honor the Lord. 
Meal ideas
Daily devotions
And much more. 

If you are ready to make that change leave your email in the comments or email me at coffeeatthecross@gmail.com