Monday, October 4, 2010

Words, words, words!

“Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged by God with greater strictness.” James 3:1

The words you speak make a profound impact on the lives of those who hear them. They can build a person up or tear a person down. They can steer a person closer to the Lord or away from the Lord.

Words once spoken are like a branding iron on our hearts and minds. They are etched in, thus leaving a lasting impression.

Words can determine the outcome of our lives.

Take the little girl who always heard words of hate spoken in her home. She now struggles with bitterness and anger.

The little boy, who heard he was never good enough, now settles for less because he still believes he will never be good enough.

The young woman, who always heard she was fat and ugly, now struggles with an eating disorder and depression.

The nagging words of a wife leave her husband feeling drained and frustrated.

The disrespectful words of a wife leave her husband feeling unappreciated.

The unloving words of a husband leave his wife feeling vulnerable and broken.

Even a lack of words from a husband leaves his wife feeling desolate and not important.

Shaming words from a teacher leave the student feeling empty, unable, and embarrassed.

The hurtful name calling of a friend has now left scars on the heart of the one who received them.


Positive words build one’s confidence

Encouraging words bring hope and healing.

Loving words strengthen the heart.

God’s words are food for the soul; they bring life, laughter, joy, and healing. They are consistent, loving, and always truthful. They are to change and transform us. It is these very words that we as teachers should be using.

What are your words doing to the heart of those who hear them?

Prayer: Lord take control of what I say and keep my lips sealed. Help me to pattern my speech after Yours. Amen