Thursday, May 28, 2015


The little is graduating today. 😭 it's a combination of joy and sadness all rolled into one. Joy and thankfulness for God's goodness towards him, allowing him to learn and go to school and grow. Sadness because he is growing way to fast. My baby is just not so little anymore. 😔 Jesus continue to walk with him, filling him with wisdom beyond his years. May his desire to learn grow and grow. Use him to spread Your Word and Your name with love, passion, compassion, kindness and boldness. Thank you for his ability to learn and to grow. We don't ever want to take those special abilities for granted. Amen

We can't slow down time, but we can enjoy every moment and every minute. Spend more time living than wishing.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


There is only one YOU. Be the you God created you to be. There is beauty in who you are, how you were designed and the purpose you have been given.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Lessons From A Turtle

Do you ever feel like a turtle? A turtle is probably not the first thing that comes to your mind, but maybe after today it will a little bit more. 

In this season of many of our lives we feel like it's just easier to shrink back into our shells than face what's in front of us or around us. But may I remind you, Jesus had a different plan in mind when He created you.

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self discipline. So you must never be ashamed to tell others about our Lord." 2 Timothy 1:7 

Nor should you shrink back in your shell because you are afraid to fail. Christ never fails, so trust in Him and walk boldly. "The steps of the godly are directed by the Lord. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will not fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand." Psalm 37:23-24

For others you might feel like your dreams, goals and desires are progressing very slowly. But Jesus wants you to think differently. He wants you to find joy in ALL He is planning for you, but most importantly He wants you to be still and wait patiently. 

"Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act." Psalm 37:7

Finally, for some they are searching for protection, rest, hope, and comfort. Just like the turtles shell protects him, the Lord and His armor protects you and me. 

"The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold. I will call on the Lord, who is worthy of praise, for he saves me from my enemies." Psalm 18:2-3

"Be strong with the Lord's mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil." Ephesians 6:10-11

The turtle will never be able to out run its attacker, but it's clothed in an armor that can save its life. 

Our armor is Christ, who is in the business of saving lives. And it just so happens our attacker, has no chance of beating Him or destroying Him. Christ defeated Him when He died on the Cross. 

So strap on your turtle shell (the armor of Christ) and move (even if it's slow, every step counts) in confidence and trust. 

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Can We Try It?

Can I challenge you today to put your Bible Studies away and let the Lord teach you directly from His Word? 

Don't get me wrong, I love me a good Bible Study. I am thankful for the countless number of men and women who have put so much time and effort into writing them. But when all is said and done, are we able to open our Bibles and learn from the Word itself? 

This is something that is constantly on my heart. 

It is my prayer that we will have a greater desire to study God's living Word than anything else. 

Why? 3 reasons. 

1. "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. It is God's way of preparing us in every way, fully equipped for every good thing God wants us to do." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

2. "Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. They give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God's promises." Romans 15:4

3. "For the Word of God is full of living power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into our innermost thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are." Hebrews 4:12

God's Word is solid. It never changes, it will stand the test of time and it is available at all times. We just have to be willing to open it. 

1 Peter says, "People are like grass that dies away; their beauty fades as quickly as the beauty of wild flowers. The grass withers, and the flowers all fall away. But the Word of the Lord will last forever." 1 Peter 1:24

Jesus help us to cling to your Word more than the words of man. Thank You that Your Word is living and powerful and life changing. Draw us into You and what You want to show us through it. Amen

Here are some questions for you to think over today. 

1. What do you prefer the most, a Bible Study, or a study from a book in the Bible? 

2. What do you get the most out of, a Bible Study led by someone with a study guide and book or your own quiet time in the Word?

3. What happens when the Bible Study you attended ends? 

4. Do you have a specific way you study the Bible? 

5. Does studying the Bible intimidate you or even overwhelm you? Why?

6. If the Bible was the only Study offered, would you attend? 

7. Would you say you allowed your intimidation to keep you from studying God's word?

8. What kind of Bible studies do you like the best? 

Friday, May 8, 2015

We Are In This Together

Ladies we must represent our homes and our husbands well. It is one of the greatest honors and privileges we have. Let's take joy and pride in our roles and homes. We set the tone, so let's set it with grace and love and laughter and let's fill the air with the sweetest aroma of God's Word. And remember sweet ones, you are needed and loved and valued by the Most Holy of Holies. Find joy in serving Christ by serving your family. Let Him lavish His compliments upon you. Let's stop focusing on our need for attention or appreciation or praise and let's focus on giving Jesus the praise, appreciation and attention He so desires. We are in this together! 😘😘

He Overcame

"He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying." Matthew 28:6


Thank You, Jesus! 

Kindness Month

At the beginning of every year, I sit down with the Lord and together we plan a word for each month, He wants me to focus on applying and living out. 

April's Word-kindness! 

Join me as we dig into God's Word and listen and learn everything He has to say about Kindness. 

"Never let loyalty and kindness leave you! Tie them around your neck as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart." Proverbs 3:3

This month will you commit to doing one act of random kindness every day for the next 29 days! 

It's not to late to start. There is still plenty of today left! 

Three Beauties

Have you ever seen three more beautiful women? Well if you have ever met these precious ladies, your answer would be no, I haven't! 

These women have hearts for Jesus and others that is unparrallel. 

They have been through more together than you could believe, and yet their faith and trust in Jesus is unwavering. 

Oh how I adore these women of God, and pray I will be half the woman they are today. They have loved, cried, celebrated, encouraged, taught and cared for me in every phase of life thus far. 

I, of course, am a little more partial to the beauty in the middle, my mama! Isn't she a beauty? Oh the love that overflows from every pore within me for her is the greatest feeling. Her smile is the greatest medicine, her sweet voice on the phone is my greatest comfort and her hugs and kisses always reassure me, recharge me, motivate me, fill me up, and in their unspoken manner tell me it's all going to be okay. 

I love her and those two amazing women! 

Jesus, thank You for the gift of these three women and the example they have set for me as a woman and mama. Thank You for their faithfulness and commitment to You. Fill them with an extra sense of Your presence today that brings about a great abundance of joy and comfort and love and peace. Amen

How Do You Love?

How do you love? Selflessly or selfishly? 

Selfish love, loves based off how it "feels." 

Selfless love, loves in spite of how it feels. 

Jesus help us to love selflessly, just has You have loved and love. Remind us how fickle our feelings are. Jesus thank You for demonstrating such selfless love as You hung on the Cross. There is not, nor will there ever be a greater act of love displayed. Amen

May we choose today to love selfLESSly! 

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Knowing Why.

If we know our "why" we are more likely to stick with it. 

Do you know "why" you chose to follow Christ? 

Do you know "why" you are doing what you are doing right now? 

Do you know "why" you pray?

Do you know "why" you feel the way you feel or think the way you think? 

Sometimes knowing the answer to the "whys" can be hard to figure out. But know this one thing. 

Jesus' why....was YOU! 

Why did He come...for YOU. 

Why did He die...for YOU. 

Why did He rise from the dead...for YOU.

Why did He leave the Holy Spirit...for YOU. 

Why did He create please Him! 

Why does He want a relationship with you....because He loves YOU. 

Why should you commit your mind, body, soul, strength and life to Him...because He gave up His...for YOU! 

Come be apart of our amazing team! We want to walk with you as you seek to honor Christ with your life, health, mind and body. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Sweetest Worship

"I could have no greater joy than to hear (see) that my children are following the truth." 3 John 1:4

There is no greater thing than watching you worship Jesus. May your fire and love for Him never be dimmed. I share this not to boast but to give praise to Jesus because You are His and He is yours. Jesus Your filling within him is breathtaking. Thank You for his boldness and love for you. Thank You that in that moment it was all about You and him. May he continue to fall more and more in love with You everyday. Continue Jesus to fill both of them with wisdom beyond their years and with a hunger for You and Your Word. May You always remain right in the center of their lives. Jesus Your presence and beauty in and through him tonight was captivating. Thank You for showing Yourself to Him and through him to us. Thank You that he listened to Your leading, sensed Your presence and worshiped. Jesus may our worship be this pure, this Spirit led, fully committed, with the sweetest intention and love because of who You are and what You have done. Amen

Sunday, May 3, 2015


All to often we focus on being, having, and or doing that we lose sight of "living." 

As we begin a new week, I pray we focus on living. 

Living in His presence. 
Living in The abundance of His love. Living in joy. 
Living in the richness of His Word. 

Let's live because He lives. Because He gave up His life so we could have everlasting life. 

Life will not be easier, but it will be better and far more rewarding, because He aligns all things according to His plans and His ways, when we live for Him. 

"While we live we live to please the Lord." Romans 14:8