Monday, September 2, 2013

What Brings You Jesus Joy?

"But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, God is great!" Psalm 70:4

It's an unexplainable joy. One that flows through out my entire body.

This joy comes from studying and teaching God's Word. These are the top 2 things that bring me Jesus Joy! (I have a lot more, but these two really get my blood flowing)

There is not an aspect of it I dislike.

I love it all.

Every Sunday God allows me to walk into a room full of the most precious women and do this very thing, teach His Word.

But this go around, it seems to be more than that. 

These women come from all walks of life. They are crowned with wisdom. Full of Jesus beauty, and have smiles and hearts that will overwhelm you with a need to be around them.

I am challenged to dig deeper in my study and teaching, and I love it! I am challenged to go beyond myself and seek the face of God everyday. I am challenged to be a better servant. I am challenged to love, listen and learn from these precious women who have walked thousands of more steps with the Lord than I have.

I have been so challenged, so overjoyed, that Satan can't stand it. Nope, he wants none of this to be happening.

Thus the fiery arrows.

But he won't win the battle. You think he would know that by now, being that he has tried to attack previous times, and has come up short. But he is Satan and he is relentless. He will never give up.

Christ has the victory and because I am in Christ I too have the victory. We all do. Isn't that a wonderful feeling?

Do you know what else is wonderful? When God opens doors like these. You know the ones you least expect. The ones that you never thought you would do, but do, and fall madly in love doing.

That's how I feel. I am over joyed more times than I am overwhelmed (like the other day) at being called to do things for the Lord that I feel completely unqualified for.

I wonder if Paul and Timothy felt that way. Especially Timothy. He was young, intelligent, and in love with Jesus. He also had an amazing mentor who walked with him, encouraged him, and spoke wisdom into him.

I am blessed to have a couple of those myself. They are two very important people in my life, who have set an amazing example of Christ-likeness. Well okay, I really have four!

Do you have a Godly mentor?

What calling has God placed on your life that fills you with an overwhelming amount of joy?

Has the Lord recently called you into a ministry you never expected or thought you would do?

Brethren, these are exciting opportunities. We should be joyful and thankful to be found useful by the Lord.

Maybe you have become discouraged and your Jesus Joy is low.  Don't grow weary. Keep pressing on. Keep looking at what lies ahead and up. Keep seeking the face of God. Keep growing in the Word daily. Just keep on keeping on. In His timing He will place you where He knows you will be the most useful for His name and His glory.

Evaluate your motives daily. Make sure they are motives for Him and not for self. That alone is a big Jesus Joy zapper.  Keep yourself pure and your eyes and thoughts on Him so He can use you.

And when God does reveal His purpose for you in a more clear and distinct way. Make sure you praise Him, thank Him, honor Him, devote your time to serving Him and others, and always point others to Him and not yourself.

Now, to my sweet mamas, remember, your greatest ministry is your home, your family. Tending to it, is your first and most important priority. Make the Lord proud with the blessings He has given you. Find joy in serving your family and taking care of your home. Even when it seems hard, overwhelming, frustrating, tedious, and unnoticed.

It is an honor and privilege we have been given to serve the Lord in our homes and we need to always view it from His perspective and not our flesh's perspective or the worlds.

Are you fulfilling your calling at home? Are you finding joy in taking care of your family and home?

Are you looking and searching for Jesus  each and every day? Look for opportunities to share God's truth, love, and mercy with others. Use each day to serve and bless the Lord by serving and blessing your family.

Everything we do for the Lord and in His name is useful!

"If you keep yourself pure, you will be a special utensil for honorable use. Your life will be clean, and you will be ready for the Master to use you for every good work." 2 Timothy 2:21

Here are my hubbies top 5 things that bring him joy. (These are not in any particular order)

1. Providing for His family
2. Serving others
3. Fishing on a good lake
4. Christmas time (seeing our faces on Christmas morning)
5. Watching the Redskins play (He is a very proud and supportive brother! I can attest to this joy!)

Here are my 5, plus some (These are not in any particular order)

1. Studying God's Word
2. Teaching God's Word
3. Discipling Women
4. Serving my family
5. Fishing with my 3 boys
6. Watching the Redskins, Broncos, and Texas Tech
7. My Dave Ramsey envelopes
8. Organizing my home

 What are the top 5 (or more) things that bring you Jesus Joy?