Thursday, September 6, 2012

Actions that Reflect A Life of True Faith

"Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions?" James 2:14

I know Your purpose for us is greater than the purpose we have set for ourselves.

I know Your mercy is greater than the mercy we extend to others.

I know Your love is stronger and more genuine than the love we have for ourselves, others, and even You.

I know Your Word is the greatest and only source of hope, help, love, encouragement, and guidance than any human book ever could be.

I know faith is a must, but a personal relationship is crucial and vital.

I know time is fleeting and fragile and that it only takes a second for our lives to change.

I know that You see farther and bigger than our human eyes and minds could ever comprehend.

I know the power in Your name alone, and no human name or title could ever compare. 

I know the greatest gift to ever be given was Your Son Jesus Christ and nothing will or can ever compare to the life that is given from that gift.

I know that all this knowing means nothing if I am not living it out in my everyday life. 

Living out God's Word...shows a life filled with love for Christ.

Jesus I want my actions, thoughts, and speech to be a reflection of my faith and trust in You. Amen