Thursday, June 7, 2012

Doing the Opposite

"He will never judge by appearance, false evidence, or hearsay." Isaiah 11:3

I can't get over this verse. As I seek to know more about Jesus I realize how much I want to be like Him, yet come up short everytime. Thank goodness He makes up the difference.

These are qualities I fail to posses, I think alot of us do. We are so quick to judge by appearance. I mean think of how many times you assumed something of someone based on appearance alone.

We spend hours and hours and lots of money trying to work on our own appearance. It's sad!

Let's not fail to mention how often we falsely accuse one another based on false or in accurate evidence, plus extremely poor hearsay.

We are quick to listen to gossip and assume something instead of finding the facts from both sides first.

If I am seeking to know Christ I am seeking to be like Christ and that means less judging by appearance, less believing in hearsay, and no more believing false evidence.

Would it be safe to say we do the complete opposite of what Jesus does?

Jesus shape and mold me to be more like You. Let me see what You see. Amen