Wednesday, March 21, 2012


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Jesus never said following Him would be easy. In fact He gave a huge warning that it would be hard! He never said standing for Him would be easy. He never said it would be fun. Nor did He say that when His light exposed the darkness that it would be awesome. It’s actually hard.

But He did promise to be there with us. He promised He would never leave. He promised He would lead us through it ALL.

We so desperately want to understand His decisions, but it is not for us to understand. All we are to do is trust Him.

Jesus we trust You and every decision You make. You are God, Creator of all things. You make this earth spin. You make our hearts beat and mouths move. You tell the Sun when to rise and when to fall. You know every star, every hair on our heads, every thought we have and every fear we have. You know us completely and fully. Thank You for walking through this daily life with us. We trust You and that is the best thing we can do. Amen