Wednesday, March 7, 2012

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"For everything comes from him; everything exists by his power and is intended for his glory. To him be glory evermore. Amen" Romans 11:36

Do you know how amazing God is?

Does your love and reverence for Him move you so much you fall to your face?

Does every part of you give God glory and honor?

Do you know why you even exist?

Even the trees, wind, seas, and animals know the Creator and their reason for existence. They praise Him, live for Him, and function because of Him. Do you?

Know Jesus, because you are nothing without Him.

Jesus we are crazy to think our existence is about us. Jesus I want You to be the biggest part of us that we spend every day praising You, honoring You, and on our faces before You. May these questions move someone closer to You. Open the eyes of the blind, soften the hard hearts, and draw the wondering back to You. Amen