Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A different kind of rest

““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

How often have I read through this verse thinking of rest in the manner of sleep. That might sound crazy to some, but to me sleep seemed to be the thing that would ease my weariness and lighten my burdens. But God's rest is not a good dose of sleep. His rest comes in the form of love, peace, comfort and healing.

So how does one find rest in those? By first removing the heavy yoke of the world and placing Christ's yoke on.

You see so often I have, and, I am sure many of you have too, looked to things of the world and people who might be able to lighten, even remove our burdens and weariness. Yet how quickly we find out that it never gets lighter or goes away. Why? Because the yoke of the world is heavy, wearisome, sinful, stressful, frustrating, and overwhelming.

And no matter how much sleep we get, we still wake up to the same burdens. Unless we have taken off the yoke of the world and put the yoke of Christ on. The light, loving, peaceful, healing yoke that supplies true and lasting "rest".

Jesus You are humble and gentle and in You there is rest that my soul needs. Thank You!