“This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” Matthew 27:37
Place Number 7-Skull Hill (Golgotha)- The Crucifixion
“It was nine o’clock in the morning when the crucifixion took place.” Mark 15:25. They stripped Jesus down and placed Him on the cross. Then they stretched out His weak and beaten arms opened His hand placed a nail in it and began to hammer, and hammer, making sure to get the nail all the way through the cross. First the right then the left (my paraphrase) and with every strike of the hammer you could hear and feel the severity of His pain. They then moved from His hands to His feet. Placing one foot on top of the other, they positioned the nail, ensuring it would go through both of His feet. Then strike after strike they hammered the nail through both of His feet and out the other side of the cross. Once finished they nailed a sign right above His, that read the charge placed against Him. “This is Jesus, the King of the Jews.” Matthew 27:37
Then a group of Soldiers picked up the cross with Jesus nailed to it and placed it in the ground. The heaviness of His body plus the weight of our sin magnified the pain in His body.
There, our Savior hung, while down below the soldiers gambled for His clothes, the leaders laughed and scoffed saying, “He saved others…let him save himself if he is really God’s Chosen One, the Messiah.” Luke 23:35
Do you get it? Jesus could have saved Himself, but because of His love for us, He carried through, clear to His death. And to top it off, as Jesus hung there He spoke these words, “…Father, forgive these people, because they don’t know what they are doing.”
He did not say, “Father save me.” He said, “Father I love these people, I love the very ones who hung me here. I love them so much I have taken their sin and placed it upon me. Please Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”
LOVE-LOVE-LOVE-LOVE! The most selfless, pure, beautiful love ever displayed by choice and action!
Jesus You chose and acted on Your love for us. It was never based off of Your feelings and for that we are so grateful. Our words will never be able to express it. Jesus help us grasp the meaning of what You said as You hung upon that cross. In the midst of all Your suffering and pain You were so full of love You cried out for all to be forgiven. Lord let this never escape my mind let it penetrate to the deepest part of me. Amen
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