“So no one can become my disciple without giving up everything for me.” Luke 14:33
I could spend each day telling you about what our days are like in the Morgan house. From the things my boys do, to G's ministry as a Football coach. And though those would keep you very entertained, they would offer nothing compared to what Jesus has to offer you through His Word.
So I stick to what He has called me to do, share His Word, His life, His adventures, His ministry. I write about Him and what each day is like with Him.
Unfortunately, Jesus is not very popular because many do not find Him as entertaining as some of us do. To you I ask why?
Nor do many people like to hear His Word, His stories, His adventures, His ministry, because it causes an uncomfortable feeling within them. To that, can I say, join the crowd, there is nothing comfortable about conviction, no matter how close you are to the Lord. However, it is needed, necessary, and rewarding when you heed to the Holy Spirit's warnings. It is life-changing and life-saving!
The road is narrow and often lonely; it is not for those weak in faith, but for those with persistent faith willing to obey no matter the COST. It is the very road G and I travel on and the road we teach our boys to walk down. No matter the cost!
Jesus says, "If ANY of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life." Luke 9:23
We have counted the cost of following Christ. We have familiarized ourselves and have received full knowledge of what the costs are; persecution, separation, His pleasure over our own, constant cleansing and purification. Giving more than there is to give, for the sake of Him receiving all He can receive. Standing out rather than blending in, standing firm in His truth rather than giving in for the sake of worldly acceptance. The cost of being hated, not accepted, even often un-invited. Constant persistence despite those unwilling to hear, even the cost of our lives for the sake of Christ! We are willing to be talked about, laughed at, ignored, disliked, and even broken, all for His glory. We are willing to have little so others can have more. And we daily choose to give up ourselves, our wants, our needs, and our comfort, all to follow Him.
“So no one can become my disciple without GIVING UP EVERYTHING for me.” Luke 14:33
Jesus keep us in constant check. Keep us from desiring the things of self; luxury, worldly gain, wealth, praise, and popularity. For we know those things have no lasting value, nor do they offer true life. Amen
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