“They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him. They made a crown of long, sharp thorns and put it on his head, and they placed a stick in his right hand as a scepter. Then they knelt before him in mockery, yelling, ‘Hail! King of the Jews!” Matthew 27:28-29
Place Number 5-The headquarters of the Roman Soldiers
I have read this passage over and over and each time I come across the crown of thorns it stops me. In Revelation it says Jesus wore many crowns because He is more than any name could describe. And in the case of His death He wore the crown of our sin. This crown that the Roman soldiers placed upon Him was more than the mocking they used it for. The pain of the thorns represents the pain of our sin and the crown represents the unending love of Jesus.
It is and was more than a crown of pain it was a crown of selfless love wore by the King of Kings. Jesus is standing in front of us taking all that we deserve upon Himself and I can’t help but to see and hear Him saying with such deep agony “I love you, do you see that I love you. I am taking on your sin and the sin of the world so that you can be with me forever. I am the only pure and perfect sacrifice. I bought you with my blood. I placed the crown of thorns upon my head to show you that I am the King of Kings who wore your sin. Today I wear many crowns! Lift your eyes up to me, look at me_______ (put your name), stop looking everywhere else. Look at Me the one who really, truly loves you and will love you forever no matter what.”
“And they spit on him and grabbed the stick and beat him on the head with it. When they were finally tired of mocking him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him again.” Matthew 27:30-31
It does anger me when I read this and not just at the ugliness of these people who crucified my Savior but because I too so many times have grabbed that stick and beat Him on the head. And no matter how many times I have done it, do it, or will do it, Jesus says I still love you, I will not tolerate it but I love you, I bought you. He looks at me and sees me just as He looked at all those who persecuted Him-with complete, unconditional, never ending love that is saturated with His blood.
Jesus today I ask that we will truly grasp Your love. Help us to see through Your eyes the love You have for us. Jesus these are not just words in a book they are a description of You, Your love. Jesus open up the very core of every heart and pour Your love within them. Jesus I ask with a deep burden that every person will see how loved they are. Jesus my heartaches for those who overlook all that You have done, my heart breaks for those who have no clue who You are. Whatever has to be done Jesus I am ready and willing send me wherever to share Your love, Your name! Amen
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