Tuesday, July 26, 2011

On our knees we shall be.

“The Lord helps the fallen and lifts up those bent beneath their loads.” Psalm 145:14

 My body is weak and worn from the burdens I thought I could bear. One by one I picked them up and placed them on my back. My heart is heavy and broken from all the stress and things I’ve placed upon me.

My back is bent to where all I can see is my feet. My legs are so weak that each step brings me closer to my knees- and maybe that is where I need to be.

Just today I took that last step and have finally hit my knees. With my head held down just as it should be I finally cried out. “Lord help me, I am bent beneath my load and as You can see by all that is upon me I tried to bear it alone.”

There on my knees the Lord spoke to me, “You are finally where I want you to be, now lift your head and see; it is I that placed the cross upon me.”

Don't wait until you are on your knees to give your burdens, worries and fears to the Lord. The Lord never intended for us to carry them, He already did when He died on the cross. If you are like me and waited until they sent you to your knees, cry out to Him the one who bears it all and just as He says I will help the fallen and lift all those bent beneath their loads. It’s time to unload!

Prayer: Lord I lay my burdens at Your feet leaving them where they should be. Thank You Jesus for carrying it all for me. May I walk in the lightness of You allowing the Spirit to do what is has come to do. Amen 


Bridget said...

I really needed to read this today. I've been struggling WAY TOO MUCH with Chemistry lately and I really let it get to me this week. It took me 3 times taking the first class before I finally passed it and now I'm in the second and final chemistry class that I have to take to complete my degree. I'm in this class for the second time. The professor that is teaching it, teaches in such a way that I have a hard time understanding what he's saying. I have two tutors, and a "Chemistry for the Utterly Confused" self-help book. I'm still struggling with the class and it's looking like I may fail it again. When I read this post today, I felt as if God spoke straight to my heart through you and told me exactly why I'm getting so frustrated...it's not the content of the class, it's me trying to take it on without consulting Him first. Thank you so much for sharing everything that God places on your heart because it always helps my heart :)