Friday, July 8, 2011

Creator and Healer of bodies and bones, hearts and souls

Jesus we are just in need of Your peace and presence tonight. We praise You and thank You for Your mercy, protection and promise of healing. Jesus tonight we are so thankful for providing doctors and medicine to help ease the pain of our hurting baby and his arm. Provide the doctors with the wisdom and discernment of what is the best thing to be done. Thank You, though it seems so huge right now, it is so minor when compared to cancer, death, and it is way better than hell. 

We are truly blessed to be Your children and covered with Your love. Thank You for being the Creator, and healer of our body. You have truly made the body so complex. It is amazing to see how much You love us and how much thought You put into creating every part of us. Thank You Jesus. 

Give Avery the rest his body needs and keep him from hurting. Thank You for being with us every step of the way and for making Avery so strong. Jesus You amaze me, the strength You give us and the ability to cope with the pain. It can come from no where else but You. It is so evident.

Jesus we love You! We love You! We love You! Thank You for Your presence and thank You for giving G a calm spirit, while I panic. Amen