“Happy are those who obey his decrees and search for him with all their hearts.” Psalm 119:2
As I sat at the feet of the Lord one year ago, seeking to know Him and His word more, He impressed upon me S.S.A.L.S. A call to commit to one year of nothing but studying, storing, applying, living and sharing His word. So I committed myself to Him and did just has He had called me to do. 52 weeks, 365 days!
Honestly at the time I did not think much about all the details, the true commitment it would take, the changes, purifying, or growing that would take place in my life, I just agreed and went forward.
As I sit here today ONE YEAR later…WOW! He remained faithful in speaking to me EVERY SINGLE DAY.
He was always the first one at our special place of meeting, ready and waiting with the biggest smile on His face. I don’t think I will ever get tired of seeing that smile or His presence.
There has been lots of teaching, lots of learning, lots of questions, lots of change, lots of confession, lots of tears, lots of letting go, lots of humbling, lots of comforting, guiding, and A WHOLE LOT OF protection as Satan has so desperately tried to ruin our time together.
I have seen God’s word spread to greater lengths than I ever imagined in one year. I have heard from so many of you that have been impacted by His Holy presence as it made way into parts of your soul.
I have learned the difference between true fellowship and partial fellowship, condemnation verse correction, discernment verse feeling, Jesus given needs verse selfishness, how to love above what my humanness finds suitable, and the greatest of all…how desperate and in need I am of my Savior and His word.
Honestly it is of no surprise that I endured a whole year, what surprises me is where I am at, what fire I am in the middle of and how amazing God’s grace is and has been.
Christ-likeness is still in process and will continue until I am made whole in Him.
Change has played a very important role in my life this year. Though I was hesitant at times and even questioned the reason for the change, the Lord always showed me the reason, not always right then as I would have liked and even asked, but in His time. Which of course always made more sense, so much it left me EXTREMELY thankful for the change(s) that were made. Not only in my life but in the life of others who were experiencing Jesus change as well.
When we understand that change is for our good and His glory it brings joy, healing, hope, and a deeper understanding of why we are to enjoy it and not complain about it. I have come to love Jesus change!
Brethren the Lord has been so good to me, and though more times than I care to share, I have found myself in a battle with Satan’s attacks, lies, and many attempts to weaken my faith. BUT…victory has been won in every battle and will win from here on out because Jesus already fought and won the battle for me along time ago.
Yes there will still be battles to fight, but I can assure you each battle will be done in Christ’s strength and not my own, I learned real quick, okay not so quick that it is way easier to fight the battle WITH Christ than on my own.
So as the Lord brings this season of my life to a close, I anxiously await to see what His new assignment will be. Where He will take me, show me, teach me and use me for.
Jesus thank You for allowing me the honor to walk closely with You over this last year. Thank You for directing my steps, taking delight in every detail of my life, catching me when I stumble and for holding me by the hand every step of the way. May Your name be honored, adored, praised, glorified, celebrated…throughout every part of my life! In Your name Jesus, Amen
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