Saturday, May 14, 2011

Dear Jesus,

"I want my life to be an example to many, because you have been my strength and protection." Psalm 71:7

Place my entire body in Your word. Keep me mindful of what I say and do. Remove me from the state of "Me".

Place me in and where You want me. May I be a living testimony. Let my life be a life that produces an example of Your love, joy, forgiveness, kindness and a walking reflection of You. 

Help me be slow to speak, slow to anger, and slow to be puffed up with self. Make me quick to love, quick to forgive, quick to help, quick to listen, and quick to comfort. Make me mindful of Your word Lord. 

Bring each thought into captivity. Examine it and purify it. Forgive me Lord for the thoughts that I have had, have, and will have that displease You. 

May I walk in the showers of Your grace today. Amen