"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you."
Quite often I have to remind myself to step back and shift my vision upward and let the One who created all things create new thoughts and a new vision within me.
When I do that my mind is always placed on Him and others and off of me. Which is a way better sight than looking at myself.
Jesus today I am asking for a whole new line of vision, one that sees You and the need of others. Amen
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Practice makes perfect
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11
Pick an area of sin you are really struggling with. Whether it be your speech, your attitude, an addiction, jealousy, pride, selfishness, etc.
Did you pick it?
Good, now draw out the word of God that is stored within you and let it begin to take over that sin. Every time you are tempted with that particular sin, start speaking that passage out loud over and over until the temptation goes away. If you have to do it all day, DO IT ALL DAY.
At the end of the day look back and see how God's word kept you from sinning against Him and journal it or write it in your Bible.
Then pick a new one tomorrow and do the same thing. After a few weeks of doing it you will begin to really see what it means to hide the word of God in your heart plus you will see how it shines out of you at the same time.
God's word is really cool like that!
Lord Your word is just so powerful and totally awesome. Thank You for making it available to each and every one of us. Amen
Pick an area of sin you are really struggling with. Whether it be your speech, your attitude, an addiction, jealousy, pride, selfishness, etc.
Did you pick it?
Good, now draw out the word of God that is stored within you and let it begin to take over that sin. Every time you are tempted with that particular sin, start speaking that passage out loud over and over until the temptation goes away. If you have to do it all day, DO IT ALL DAY.
At the end of the day look back and see how God's word kept you from sinning against Him and journal it or write it in your Bible.
Then pick a new one tomorrow and do the same thing. After a few weeks of doing it you will begin to really see what it means to hide the word of God in your heart plus you will see how it shines out of you at the same time.
God's word is really cool like that!
Lord Your word is just so powerful and totally awesome. Thank You for making it available to each and every one of us. Amen
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Take it in...Now let it out
"I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11
Please know that to even discuss something other than the greatness of Brother Collins is so very difficult, but because he LOVED the Lord and His word SO much I know that I am not dismissing him but am carrying on with the one thing we had in common-our love for Jesus and others, so...
Let's talk some Jesus.
Do you ever reach a point when you have studied God's word and stored it with in your heart, only to walk away and do or say things that don't even reflect the very words that are stored within you?
How can that be? How can we be full of God's word, yet act in the manner in which we do? Whether a bad attitude, an ungrateful heart, through anger, pride, jealousy, and what not.
We do so because we are not allowing the very words stored within us to come alive. We are not putting them into practice.
It is just like the Lord says, we have the light within us, but that light within us is only as good as we allow it to be. We can either let it shine for the entire world to see, or we can hide it under a bowl.
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
God's word shines through us when we act on the word stored in us. Make sense?
So, today as you focus on God's word going in, focus on God's word coming out as well.
Jesus forgive me for keeping the light of Your word in and for failing to let it out. Jesus I am asking You today that just as Your word goes in that it will also come out. Help me Jesus! It is just not possible without the help of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Monday, March 28, 2011
Let’s celebrate together
“Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!” Matthew 25:21
See the face of that precious man? It reflects Jesus in so many ways. The first and most radiant part of that face is his smile. That is the smile of true joy. It is a smile that appears naturally and at all times no matter what. No matter the pain, the sadness, and the fear, no matter what-that smile appeared on this precious man's face. That smile has an effect on people-you can never walk away from it without feeling good, or blessed, or encouraged. There is only one way a smile like that can appear on one's face, as did his, and that is by being as in love and filled with Jesus as he is.
See his eyes? Those eyes have seen Jesus at work all over this world. They have seen lives transformed, hearts restored, and illnesses healed. They have also seen the beauty, love, and joy of a woman who has been by his side for years. They have seen the blessings of his children and grandchildren. Some of the things those eyes loved watching the most was his grandchildren playing baseball, and watching Ryan stand before a church and preach about the thing he was most passionate about-Jesus. Those eyes have seen so much good and bad but today they have seen something greater and more beautiful than any of us could ever put into words. Those eyes are now seeing Jesus face to face!
See those ears? Those ears have heard the joy of people coming to know Christ. They have heard the cries of the broken; they have heard the sound of his children being born and his grandchildren being born. They have heard many prayers prayed by others; they have heard stories of victory, stories of deliverance, stories of great news and devastating news. They have heard the sound of his beautiful wife as she whispers I love you, I am proud of you, it is going to be okay, and the sound of her laughter, her cries, and her joy. They have heard the sound of his children telling stories of growing up, and stories of their children now. They have heard his grandson preach the word of God and say his wedding vows. They have heard the word of God over and over. But today, they have heard the words they have longed to hear in a verbal audible voice "Well done, my good and faithful servant, well done. Welcome home!" Today those ears have heard the voice of Jesus.
See that mouth? That mouth has spoken wisdom, love, and has lifted its voice to the throne room on many, many occasions. It has encouraged, it has spoken boldness, it has taught, corrected, and brought comfort, all because its words came from the word of God. It left me always wanting to hear more when it opened, and brought me and so many others closer to the Lord. That mouth was controlled by the Lord. It spoke only when prompted by the Lord, it made us laugh and cry all at the same time. Anyone that ever heard him speak always walked away knowing more about Jesus than before. I loved the boldness that came from it. I loved that it was always positive even in the midst of pain and suffering. I love that today that mouth is now singing songs of praise to our Heavenly Father.
See his upper body, the part where his heart sits? That heart has felt Jesus enter in and make His home; it has felt love, joy, and peace that followed as Jesus made His place of dwelling. That heart has been so full of love for others that Jesus specifically expanded it for Him so it could hold as many people in it as possible. It has broken for the broken-hearted, mourned for those in mourning, and celebrated with those who celebrated. It has been filled up to the point of overflowing with love for Jesus' word. It has been used to its fullest potential for the sake of Jesus' name being known. It has traveled all over the world and has been left in many different places with many different people who have stolen it. It is a heart that has beat in sync with Jesus for years. And it is a heart that has been captured and given to one woman-sweet Linda. And though that heart belonged to her, it was shared with his children, their children and each of us. Thank you Linda for allowing us the privilege of being loved by that heart of his!
His arms and his hands that are attached to the upper part of that body have embraced many who he knew just needed Jesus' touch. Those arms and hands have been used to the max by Jesus and it never mattered what the situation was whether a hello hug or let me embrace you because that is what Jesus wants those arms to do, he did. And no matter how you felt at that moment when he hugged you or shook your hand, you always walked away feeling better and more blessed. They have worked hard over the years serving others for Jesus, but today they got to experience something they have never experienced before, the touch and feel of Jesus Himself.
See his chest? That chest has been suffering from illness for quite some time, even to the point of robbing him from breathing easily and freely on his own, but today that chest is free from illness. It is free from suffering, free from pain, and free from the fight. Today he is healed, he is made new, and today he sits at the feet of Jesus feeling the warmth of His holiness, hearing the sounds of thousands of angels singing, and seeing the faces of all those who have gone before him, come and greet him. Today Brother Don Collins a man of whom I adored, admired, loved, and could never get enough of when he preached, is now in a place for which I too long to be. For that I am jealous.
Mrs. Linda you my sweet sister are loved by all of us and we are praying God's quickest peace to come over you and your family during this time. We have been blessed to be loved by Brother Collins and you, and it is our honor to return that love to you. I hope you will rest in the closeness of His presence today as He knows your very need my sweet girl.
Filling the holes
“I have tried my best to find you-don’t let me wander from your commands.” Psalm 119:10
At the end of the day can I look to the Lord and say, “I have done my best for You?” Or will it be quite opposite of that and all I can show forth is that I have only wandered farther away, thus missing out on the blessings that have been put before me.
This verse has been so powerful; it is one that really cuts deep within me. It has been convicting me to the core for the last 7 days.
Honestly when I look at my actions at the end of each day, I have nothing other than the word of God to gauge my best by, and as we all know a lot of times we come up way short. Well I do anyway.
Especially lately! So last night as I cried my eyes out to my husband and laid out all my frustrations, fears, stress, and concerns (okay worries) to him, God did something I didn't quite expect.
He revealed two things.
One, that I feel insecure when it comes to Garrett. Not because he sets out to make me feel that way, but because he is naturally just good at EVERYTHING. Let me explain, since I have been married to Garrett I have grown to realize that there is very little that he cannot do. He really does everything. He can do all His roles as a man, plus all the roles of a woman. He cooks, he cleans, he serves, he entertains, he decorates, he shops, he always dresses nice, he is well groomed, etc.
I mean really, he fits the name our best friends gave him, Martin Stewart. (Yes honey I know you hate that, but it is so TRUE)
So the minute the Lord laid that on my heart, I expressed that to Garrett, and it was as though, God began playing both roles. He spoke to me in the quietness of my breaking heart, and then He spoke to me verbally through the mouth of my husband.
The words spoken to my heart: What do you need Kristi that will make you feel secure? What is it that will make you feel as though you are worthy and good enough? Is it the praise of man, is it the attention of others, what? If it is those things than your eyes are not on me, they are on the world, and in the world there is no security, value, or worth. Not even your husband is able to provide that need you long for, like I can.
And two, came from the mouth of Garrett:
Kristi I am a godly man because of you. I am who I am today because of you. I would not be where I am or have the relationship with Jesus that I have if it was not for your example. Because of Jesus in you, shaping me, our boys will be shaped like Jesus. Your love for the Lord, your unwavering faith and the fact that you will not compromise with sin is what I love about you the most. It is what attracted me to you the day I met you. Your faith and commitment to Jesus is intimidating, but it makes me always want to be better. Where the holes in my cup leak you fill and where your holes in your cup leak I fill.
Jesus You know there is nothing else for me to say than forgive me for focusing more on the leaks in my own cup, because I have done so ,I have missed out on what You are doing in me and through me. Amen
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Is it good enough?
“I have tried my best to find you-don’t let me wander from your commands.” Psalm 119:10
What does it mean to really try? Do I try to be the best mom, wife, daughter, and child of God I can be, or do I make sure I AM being the best mom, wife, daughter, and child of God?
Maybe that is the same thing, but to me, it seems as though if I only attempt to try yet come up short then did I really try in the first place.
Maybe our intentions are good, but our follow through is not so good. So I wonder, is the intention good enough for God, or is it the follow through that matters the most?
When I wake up each morning and the Holy Spirit directs my thoughts to Jesus do I only ponder on the thought that says, make sure You read today, or do I follow through with that thought which is prompting me to go and actually spend time with Him in His word.
As I meditate on this verse each word stirs within me, leaving me asking myself, when I open up my Bible and begin to spend time with the Lord, am I doing it out of habit, and because it is what I should be doing, or am I doing it solely because He is EVERYTHING to me?
Then the groaning begins and I cry out to the Lord for revelation, clarity, and insight on what He sees within me. Am I merely trying to get by or do I really long to find more and more of Him?
Sometimes for me, trying is not enough, it is my follow through that counts.
Jesus You deserve more than just the intention or the mere thought of, “I will try.” You ask for nothing but our best, and You give nothing but Your absolute best to us. Jesus I am so thankful that You never said You would try to save us, but that You followed through and did save us. Thank You Father. Amen
Saturday, March 26, 2011
"I have tried my best to find you-don't let me wander from your commands." Psalm 119:10
This has nothing to do with anything, except it is 2:00 a.m. we have been in the ER since 10:00 and for some reason Avery and Garrett are snuggled up in the tiny bed sound asleep.
I on the other hand, am sitting in the chair watching patients be wheeled up and down the hall wondering how in the world the doctors and nurses do this day in and day out.
It has been enough for me over the last several months to deal with two sick boys, but at the end of the day, whenever that might be; we all manage to make it through the same way-by the grace of God.
How could I ever cling to anything other than Christ-yet at times I do, whether my husband or my parents, I cling to them for the "right now" that my flesh desires.
Kind of like these patients and us, are clinging to the wisdom of the doctors to provide the medical care we need to get ourselves better, or in our case our babies better.
It is crazy how much more we cling to society and people than to Christ, and we don't even realize how bad we do it, but it is because our flesh demands right now!
Lord take my eyes off of the right now my flesh desires and place them upon You, the only who can fulfill the longing in my heart, the needs my soul cries out for, and the desperation my body has for rest, healing, comfort, and protection. Only You Jesus can satisfy, set my eyes and thoughts on You. Turn what I know into belief and action. Amen
Friday, March 25, 2011
When you least expect it!
“I have tried my best to find you-don’t let me wander from your commands.” Psalm 119:10
Since Spring Break I have gotten a little behind on my mommy duties. So doing my best to catch up, I start load after load of laundry, dump it on my bed as it comes out of the dryer and off to the boy’s room to sort through clothes and start packing up their room.
Being that we have had little activity on showing our house I assumed this week would be slow as well. So I put that thought behind me and started doing what I enjoy doing a lot-organizing, packing, and cleaning. All while chasing Dax around!
Now when I tell you I put the thought of my house showing this week behind me I meant it. I have had my house tore up and such a mess for the last several days that I can honestly say in my 31 years of living I have never lived in such a mess.
I do want to remind you in the midst of all these little tasks I had going, Avery came down with Strep throat and has the Flu again, except this is the Flu “A”. Apparently two weeks ago he had the Flu “B”-and I so went there and asked the doctor if there was a Flu C and a Flu D, because if there was he was going to get it! She did not find me to be very funny, but I laughed!
Anyway, it is Wednesday night-I literally have at least ten loads of laundry piled on my King size bed that has been stripped so I could wash the sheets and comforter as well. The boy’s room is in such disarray you could barely see the floor (no exaggeration) and there are boxes, trash bags, and more trash bags lined up from the closet clear out the door into the hall. I like to get rid of not so needed things!
Then to top it off the boys wanted soup for dinner so there are noodles all over the table, the floor and them. Plus the Lucky Charms Dax had literally scattered from one end of the house to the next. And I didn’t care because I was focused on getting there room exactly how I wanted it!
Avery at this point feels HORRIBLE and is ready for a bath and bed-so I paused from my packing, cleaning and organizing to run them through the shower and get them ready for bed. Oblivious to the time, I glanced at the clock and realized it was almost 8:00 and I had not eaten a thing. So I quickly got them out, dressed and somewhat settled, fixed myself a bowl of cereal and sat down when…
My doorbell rang!
I put my cereal down get up thinking it is one of my girlfriends coming to check on us, so I open the door and there stands this couple apologizing for coming by so late, but were wondering if they could look at the house!
When you least expect it!!!!!
I was in SHOCK thinking oh my goodness how in the world can I let these people in my house looking the way it does. Because I am pretty crazy about my house always being clean and presentable I almost told them no. So I stood there in silence wrestling in my mind what I should do, this could be a God thing, when I finally come to reality that they are still standing there the young lady says, “If you don’t want us to we totally understand.” My reply, “If you don’t mind clothes, boxes, trash bags, noodles, and cereal everywhere, please come on in.” And that they did.
Oh, wait I am not to the best part yet. For those of you who know Dax know he is VERY active and has a mind of his own. Well out of nowhere this sweet young lady who is standing in the kitchen looking around is almost knocked over by Dax. Dax for some CRAZY reason decides he is going to take off at a dead sprint from the living room and run and push her!
OH YES HE DID! It was not enough that I was already embarrassed by the mess of my house, but for him to do that! Oh, what can I say but…dear Lord help me!
When you least expect it brethren it happens. God has an amazing sense of humor and His timing is just that-HIS timing!
You would think the lesson I would learn was to stay on top of the house and laundry and all times, plus teach my two year old manners, but it was not that at all.
Instead the lesson I learned was to be ready at ALL times for Jesus. Because when we least expect it, when we are the least prepared, Jesus will come.
So we need to make that word “best” in our verse truly be our best in finding Him, and our plea to NOT wander from His commands needs to become our daily plea. Because if we think we will have time to live and do what we want first and then come back to His commands later, we are wrong. In the blink of an eye, He will be here.
When we think we will have forewarning of His coming, we are wrong. In the blink of an eye, He will be here.
“Two men will be working together in the field; one will be taken, the other left. Two women will be grinding flour at the mill; one will be taken, the other left. So be prepared, because you don’t know what day your Lord is coming. Know this: A homeowner who knew exactly when a burglar was coming would stay alert and not permit the house to be broken into. You also must be ready all the time. For the Son of Man will come when least expected.” Matthew 24:40-44
I am glad to report the couple loves the house and came back to look at it again, and it was nice and clean this go around, which made even better! They are hoping to make an offer Monday!
Jesus Your arrival is inevitable! Hasten the day Lord Jesus. May our best become more than our best, may it become our purpose and passion to search and find You DAILY. Jesus our plea from here on out is that you keep us from wandering away, because we want to be ready at all times, for that least expected moment when You return. Amen
Thursday, March 24, 2011
What do you do when?
"I have tried my best to find you-don't let me wander from your commands." Psalm 119:10
What do you do when you lose something? You search for it until you...FIND it.
Search for Jesus!
Jesus may we never stop searching to know You more. Amen
What do you do when you lose something? You search for it until you...FIND it.
Search for Jesus!
Jesus may we never stop searching to know You more. Amen
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I saw Him three times today
"I have tried my best to find you-don't let me wander from your commands." Psalm 119:10
I saw the Lord and heard the Lord three times today.
Through my sister's sweet prayer, the encouraging call from my best friend, and by the unexpected knock on the door. God showed Himself to me. What an honor!
So all I have to say is... keep seeking Him and keep listening. He is there, He is real, He knows our every need and He knows just the right time to speak and to show us that He is ever so present in our lives.
Jesus thank You for revealing Yourself to me today. You have gone above and beyond what I could ever dare to ask or hope for. Thank You for being that BIG, that awesome, that loving, and for being Holier, Mightier, and more caring than what my mind can even begin to fathom. Amen
I saw the Lord and heard the Lord three times today.
Through my sister's sweet prayer, the encouraging call from my best friend, and by the unexpected knock on the door. God showed Himself to me. What an honor!
So all I have to say is... keep seeking Him and keep listening. He is there, He is real, He knows our every need and He knows just the right time to speak and to show us that He is ever so present in our lives.
Jesus thank You for revealing Yourself to me today. You have gone above and beyond what I could ever dare to ask or hope for. Thank You for being that BIG, that awesome, that loving, and for being Holier, Mightier, and more caring than what my mind can even begin to fathom. Amen
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
To reduce wandering, try this...
"I have tried my best to find you-don't let me wander from your commands." Psalm 119:10
There is one way to keep from wandering-By seeking Jesus EVERY SINGLE DAY!
The more we go without getting in the word, the more susceptible we are to wander.
Have you wandered?
Lord bring us back to You and keep our eyes and our hearts from wandering. May we be wholeheartedly committed to You each and every day. There is nothing more important than You. Change our thinking if we believe anything other than that. Amen
There is one way to keep from wandering-By seeking Jesus EVERY SINGLE DAY!
The more we go without getting in the word, the more susceptible we are to wander.
Have you wandered?
Lord bring us back to You and keep our eyes and our hearts from wandering. May we be wholeheartedly committed to You each and every day. There is nothing more important than You. Change our thinking if we believe anything other than that. Amen
Monday, March 21, 2011
Many people have made the ultimate sacrifice, but only one Man paid the ultimate sacrifice
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
Our Pride
Our freedom, our reason for fighting
And our protection
The Cross represents something even greater.
It represents where true freedom and protection came from. And the One who hung upon that cross, represents the Ultimate Sacrifice that was paid once and for all for each and every one of us. Because of Christ we have everlasting life, hope, freedom, and the promise of VICTORY. So though the flag stands for America's freedom, Christ and the cross stand for ALL man's freedom.
Jesus there has nor will there ever be a greater sacrifice than the one You paid. Thank You for dying for each and every one of us. Help us not to forget or overlook that salvation is for ALL man. Amen
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Are you up for a challenge?
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
As you head into a new week here is a challenge for you.
Spend more time serving, loving and focusing on the needs of others over yourself.
Instead of spending time praying for you, pray for someone else instead.
Instead of fixating on your to do list, focus on Jesus' to do list. GET IN HIS WORD
Lord Jesus gives us Your heart, Your mind, and the ability to love and serve as You did. May the glasses of self be removed so we can see the needs of others that surround us. Amen
Saturday, March 19, 2011
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
I have learned many great lessons in my life, but I must say this Spring Break I learned a very valuable one, and it could not have come at a better time than this.
Over the past month I have been so caught up in the chaos that has been going on in my life that I have failed to realize the need of others and the sacrifice others are making. I have failed to see the blessings that lie right in front of me every day because I have been too caught up in my own self-pity.
But this week...I am humbled! I am humbled by the amazing mercy and grace that God lavishes upon me and my family daily. I am humbled that I have a husband, though gone for weeks at a time now, still comes home safely to me every weekend. I am humbled at the sacrifice our military men and women make, I am humbled by the strength the wives of military husbands have, and I am humbled by the children who over half of their life only see their daddies every 12 to 18 months.
I am humbled and praying I stay here, because the vision is way clearer, it is way more rewarding, and brings way more joy!
Jesus thank You! Thank You for showing me this week through these extraordinary families just how blessed I am. I need to be humbled Lord, thank You for doing it so gently. I pray You keep me here, so I my eyes will be more upon You and others and less upon myself. Amen
Friday, March 18, 2011
Their story of faith and obedience will BLOW you away!
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
I know you will be as blessed as we were! I hope you will remember these sweet faces and pray for them daily as they follow the Lord in obedience. I will be adding their picture on Godly Gossip so we will remember to pray for them.
A specific prayer for the May family: That they will raise the rest of their money. That they will receive traveling mercies, and that God will use them and speak through them in such a way that people will come to know Him and will come to understand the importance of their mission with Soldiers.
Lord Jesus I cannot thank You enough for allowing me to meet this wonderful family who truly loves You, obeys You, and has surrendered their lives to You. Jesus I ask for Your hand to be upon them as they travel, as they speak, and as they continue to seek Your face daily. Place them in the lives of those who need You. I pray that You will do something greater than they could ever imagine! Lord You know their every need, You have provided their every need, continue to do so. Bless them Lord Jesus, they are so precious and their love for Soldiers is infectious. Amen
The last night of our Mission trip we had the opportunity to meet one very amazing family and I want you to meet them as well.
So everybody meet the May family. Chris, Elizabeth, David, Caleb, Abigail and Julia. They are precious!
This family has one amazing testimony and I know I will not do it justice so I am linking her blog so you can read it from sweet Elizabeth herself. http://maymemos.blogspot.com/
I know you will be as blessed as we were! I hope you will remember these sweet faces and pray for them daily as they follow the Lord in obedience. I will be adding their picture on Godly Gossip so we will remember to pray for them.
A specific prayer for the May family: That they will raise the rest of their money. That they will receive traveling mercies, and that God will use them and speak through them in such a way that people will come to know Him and will come to understand the importance of their mission with Soldiers.
Lord Jesus I cannot thank You enough for allowing me to meet this wonderful family who truly loves You, obeys You, and has surrendered their lives to You. Jesus I ask for Your hand to be upon them as they travel, as they speak, and as they continue to seek Your face daily. Place them in the lives of those who need You. I pray that You will do something greater than they could ever imagine! Lord You know their every need, You have provided their every need, continue to do so. Bless them Lord Jesus, they are so precious and their love for Soldiers is infectious. Amen
Thursday, March 17, 2011
When reality set in
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
It just became real when...
Our youth interacted with 170 plus military kids who... know nothing different than for mommy or daddy to be gone for long periods of time. Who know nothing different than that mommy or daddy and sometimes both go and fight in a war that might just take their life. Who move constantly, and who get to speak to their mommies or daddies if lucky once or twice a month.
This is reality for these babies, so as you look at these faces, pray for them! Pray that Jesus will become the one thing that is consistent in their lives. That they will learn to depend upon Him, and that they will know He is ever so present 24/7 and beyond.
Jesus these are precious creations of Yours. I ask You to fill them with Your presence, Your protection, peace, and love as they grow. Lord these are very special boys and girls and it was a privilege to love on them, encourage them, and wrap our arms around them. Bless them Lord Jesus, shine Your light upon them. O' Lord they are so precious. Give them strength and most of all give them a deeper understanding of who You are. Amen
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Jesus' hands and feet in action
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
We have some of the most amazing youth at First Baptist and it was such an honor for Garrett and I to serve alongside of them this week.
As we took a step back and watched these students serve God and one another we were blown away and filled with such joy knowing the impact these students will have on our future generations.
They so willingly gave up their Spring Breaks to go and serve and that in itself speaks volumes of them. They chose to work and serve over self.
Here are a few pictures of them in action.
The youth spent three days clearing off brush to make a prayer trail for injured Soldiers, and not just physically injured but emotionally injured. They added Bible verses on rocks and placed them all throughout the trail so the Soldiers could fill up on God's word.
It turned out amazing!
Lord these are amazing young men and women. Thank You for the love they have for You and for others. Thank You for their parents who allowed them to come on this mission trip and serve You. Bless them, guide them, grow within them more everyday. May they continue to be a light for You Lord. Amen
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Men of Honor
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
God in His complete awesomeness could not have placed a sweeter verse on my heart for the week than this one. How fitting it has been as we come into contact with these amazing men and women who too, did not join the military to be served but to serve.
I want to introduce you to a few men who are truly a reflection of Mark 10:45 and ask that you store their names and faces in your hearts and pray for them OFTEN! They went above and beyond for us this week and made a HUGE impact on each of our lives and vice versa!
God in His complete awesomeness could not have placed a sweeter verse on my heart for the week than this one. How fitting it has been as we come into contact with these amazing men and women who too, did not join the military to be served but to serve.
I want to introduce you to a few men who are truly a reflection of Mark 10:45 and ask that you store their names and faces in your hearts and pray for them OFTEN! They went above and beyond for us this week and made a HUGE impact on each of our lives and vice versa!
Specialists Adams
Sargent Connel and Specialists Miller
Captain Stillings
Specialists Randall and Specialists Barrett
These two men will be deploying in May! Please pray for them by name!
Chaplain Jackson
Lord may Your name be praised here in America and all over the world. Bless each one of these men as they continue to serve You and our country. I pray You shine through them with such brightness that all men and women who see them will be drawn to You. Use them Lord to spread Your name in Iraq and Afghanistan. May Your mercy and grace be upon each of them Lord. Protect them as they step into battle. Thank You for the blessings we all received because of You. Amen
Monday, March 14, 2011
Bless them Lord Jesus
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to
give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
Our mission: To serve the men and women of Fort Hood.
The Outcome: Being blessed BEYOND words.
God showed up in a huge way this past week and because there is NO WAY I could EVER put into words how amazing this past week was and the impact that was made on our lives and the lives of the men and women at Fort Hood I thought I would post a few pictures of our week.
Because this one picture is so moving, it will stand alone today.
Photos taken by Baileigh Photography
These men, though I failed to get each of their names, had just finished practicing for a funeral they would do for one of their own, who had fallen while at war.
Lord Jesus bless these men who so selflessly give up their time and lives so we can have the freedom that we do. Bless these men Lord, protect them, their families, and their hearts. Thank You Lord this picture speaks a thousand words. Amen
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Time to give back
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Mark 10:45
Garrett and I are so excited to have been asked by our awesome youth minister to help the youth group serve the men and women who so willingly fight for our freedom, in Fort Hood.
It so happens we are both very familiar with this area. Garrett grew up here and I actually taught on Fort Hood so we are excited to be apart of such an amazing mission trip.
Please pray for all the youth and the leaders as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and serve just as He served. We are praying and believing that not only our lives will be impacted by these families but that so will theirs.
Jesus we are asking for You to come down and be the very reflection that these families see. May there be something so different in us that it intrigues them to inquire and hear about You. Use us in a mighty way Lord, we are here to serve You! Amen
Garrett and I are so excited to have been asked by our awesome youth minister to help the youth group serve the men and women who so willingly fight for our freedom, in Fort Hood.
It so happens we are both very familiar with this area. Garrett grew up here and I actually taught on Fort Hood so we are excited to be apart of such an amazing mission trip.
Please pray for all the youth and the leaders as we seek to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and serve just as He served. We are praying and believing that not only our lives will be impacted by these families but that so will theirs.
Jesus we are asking for You to come down and be the very reflection that these families see. May there be something so different in us that it intrigues them to inquire and hear about You. Use us in a mighty way Lord, we are here to serve You! Amen
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I wonder
"I will obey your principals. Please don't give up on me!"
I just have a feeling Jesus is coming back really soon! As I watch the devastation in Japan I can't help but wonder how many of the lives lost had a relationship with Jesus.
I wonder how many of the 13 who died in the bus wreck had a relationship with Jesus.
I wonder how many lives will come to know Jesus this week on our mission trip?
I wonder at this very moment how many of us are prepared and ready for Jesus if He came today?
Jesus there is an urgency to come to know You. I pray all those who have survived in Japan will come away with a understanding of who You are. Jesus may they be led to You through this time of mourning,confusion, fear, and devastation. I pray You prepare all the men and women we come in contact with over this next week. Lord make Your name known on Fort Hood, in Japan and all over the world! Amen
I just have a feeling Jesus is coming back really soon! As I watch the devastation in Japan I can't help but wonder how many of the lives lost had a relationship with Jesus.
I wonder how many of the 13 who died in the bus wreck had a relationship with Jesus.
I wonder how many lives will come to know Jesus this week on our mission trip?
I wonder at this very moment how many of us are prepared and ready for Jesus if He came today?
Jesus there is an urgency to come to know You. I pray all those who have survived in Japan will come away with a understanding of who You are. Jesus may they be led to You through this time of mourning,confusion, fear, and devastation. I pray You prepare all the men and women we come in contact with over this next week. Lord make Your name known on Fort Hood, in Japan and all over the world! Amen
Friday, March 11, 2011
This is how I know you love Me!
"I will obey your principals. Please don't give up on me!" Psalm 119:8
How deep I love Him is shown by how obedient I am to Him.
How obedient I am to Him shows how much I love Him.
Hmm...maybe it will be better if you see it through His word.
"All those who LOVE me will DO what I say." John 14:23
"Those who OBEY my commandments are the ones who LOVE me." John 14:21
"When you OBEY me, you remain in my LOVE, just as I obey my father and remain in his love." John 15:10
"But those who OBEY God's word really do LOVE him." 1 John 2:5
"LOVE means DOING what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another just as yo heard from the beginning." 2 John 1:6
"If you LOVE me OBEY my commandments." John 14:15
Do you see the point Christ is trying to make?
My love for Him, is expressed through my obedience to Him!
Prayer: Jesus would You reveal to me just how deep my love truly is for You? Reveal to me the areas of disobedience and help me change so our love can be strengthened. Amen
How deep I love Him is shown by how obedient I am to Him.
How obedient I am to Him shows how much I love Him.
Hmm...maybe it will be better if you see it through His word.
"All those who LOVE me will DO what I say." John 14:23
"Those who OBEY my commandments are the ones who LOVE me." John 14:21
"When you OBEY me, you remain in my LOVE, just as I obey my father and remain in his love." John 15:10
"But those who OBEY God's word really do LOVE him." 1 John 2:5
"LOVE means DOING what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another just as yo heard from the beginning." 2 John 1:6
"If you LOVE me OBEY my commandments." John 14:15
Do you see the point Christ is trying to make?
My love for Him, is expressed through my obedience to Him!
Prayer: Jesus would You reveal to me just how deep my love truly is for You? Reveal to me the areas of disobedience and help me change so our love can be strengthened. Amen
52 wks 365 days wk 41 March 11
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Hope for all Man, Time given to all Man
“I will obey your principals. Please don’t give up on me!” Psalm 119:8
There is so much hope and love packed into this one verse.
“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise to return, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to perish, so he is giving more time for everyone to repent.” 2 Peter 3:9
God does NOT give up on us! We are the ones that give up on God.
Read that passage again. Do you feel the love bursting out of it and into your heart? If not keep reading it!
Brethren, there is hope for the lost; there is hope for us, all 7 billion of us. Hear Him when He says, “I am being patient for your sake.” Today, He is giving us the opportunity to come to know Jesus His Son, as our personal Lord and Savior. Today, He is giving us the opportunity to turn from our sins and turn to Him-God. Today He is giving us hope, time, and the chance to share Christ with someone. He is waiting, He desires us, and He is giving us time! Let’s not waste it!
Maybe you know someone today, who needs to know Jesus loves them, adores them, desires them, and is waiting for them to come to Him. Maybe it is a spouse, family member, child, friend, co-worker, boss, or someone on the street, or in the grocery store. Share with them this passage from 2 Peter.
Maybe you are here reading this today and you don’t know Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Maybe you do but you have fallen into the trap of sin and feel like God has given up on you. Maybe today you are feeling hopeless, un-loved, broken, or ashamed. If so, sweet thing I pray you let 2 Peter fall all over you today. I pray you hear Jesus when He says. “I am waiting for you, I love you, I am being patient for your sake. I don’t want you to perish; I don’t want you to spend eternity in Hell. NO! I want you to spend eternity with Me.”
Brethren I wish nothing more than to be sitting with you. Reading this passage over you and being the hands and arms of Jesus as I hold your hand, hug you, and reassure you from His word, just how much He really does love and desire you. There is NOTHING you have or will do that will stop Him from loving you and waiting for you to come to Him. But since I am on this side of the screen know, that as you read this, I am with you in Spirit, praying for you, loving you, and hoping nothing but God’s best for you.
Prayer: Jesus be with every person that reads Your word today. Lavish Your love and hope all over them. Lord I ask today that You send someone in flesh to minister to the hearts of the lost and broken. Send me Lord! O Father how we praise You for being patient with us, giving us time to come to You so we don’t perish. Open our minds Lord to the reality of hell and open our hearts to the reality of Your love and the future that awaits those who call on You by name. Lord I pray that today the narrow gate will become a little more crammed as more people come to know You as their personal Lord and Savior. Jesus if this day be my last, may it be spent sharing Your name. Amen
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
If I know it than I better show it!
"I will obey your principals. Please don't give up on me!" Psalm 119:8
This verse has brought a lot of humor to my home today. I began REALLY packing today and as I packed, Dax INSISTED on UN-packing, pulling the tape, tangling the tape, on and on and on. So after I warned him, yelled at him, and threatened him, I SPANKED him (yes sir-ee I did!) and right after he received it he looked at me and said, "I don't do it again mommy."
Guess what?
HE DID IT AGAIN! As I reached for the ole trusty spoon, he started crying and yelling, "I sorry mommy, I don't do it, no spank me, no spank me." It was right there it that moment the last verse popped in my head. Please don't give up on me! (Yes I spanked him anyway)
I know he is a child learning to obey, so this verse has a whole different meaning to him, and yes I believe even at 2 he can understand the word of God.
As for me I wonder…I wonder how often I have done that very thing to the Lord, begged to be spared from a consequence I SO deserved. Oh, wait ONE G-A-Z-I-L-L-I-O-N times! And yet I am no longer a child learning to obey.
I can remember some past experiences when I knew full well what I was doing was wrong, yet even through facing the consequence, preceded to do it again! O Lord if my children are a product of me spare them Lord. Let them lean on You, look to You, and follow Your example. I know we are sinful Lord but keep them from choosing sin over obedience.
Today as I grow closer to the Lord and seek to obey Him, my heart and soul cry this verse out in a whole new way. A way that hunger’s to please Jesus not just with my words or actions, but with parts of me that only He can make function.
I desire such obedience that when I stand before the Most Holy God, my Father, I will see His face light up because of the joy His heart feels as He looks upon me, His chosen child.
When my boys reach the point of spankings and they begin pleading with me, which interprets in my language, “I know mommy, I know what I did was wrong, yet I did it anyway.” is the same interpretation the Lord gets when we fail to obey His principals. It is one thing for us to say “I will obey your principals." and it is a whole other thing to actually obey His principals.
I have a precious girlfriend of mine who always says, “I know, I know.” Actually I have several people in my own family who are always saying I know, I know and for some reason my response is always the same, “Stop telling me you know, if you know than show me you know.“
Jesus doesn’t want to hear us say we know. We know Lord we need to stop living in this sin. We know Lord we need to start going to church, join a church, and serve in the church. We know we shouldn’t drink and do drugs. We know we shouldn’t speak like that. We know we shouldn’t gossip, lie, cheat, steal, have affairs, murder, be full of anger, bitterness, pride, greed. WE KNOW, we know!
Well for me, if I dare to say I know, than my actions, words, thoughts, and behavior better start showing that I know.
Prayer: Lord pull us out of the rut of the I knows and place us into active obedience of Your word. Amen
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
How is it going?
" I will obey your principals. Please don't give up on me!" Psalm 119:8
How has your time with the Lord been today?
Did you have a chance to show love to someone?
Were you able to forgive, maybe even ask for forgiveness?
Have you been controlling what you say?
All of these questions require obedience-how is that going?
Don't let this day pass by without spending time with Jesus. You never get those days back, and you never know if this day will be your last day. So don't waste it on self or the world, waste it on JESUS!
Prayer: Jesus before we do another thing, may we stop and spend time with You. There is nothing more important than spending time with You and in Your word. NOTHING and I never want to let a day go by without learning more about You. Amen
How has your time with the Lord been today?
Did you have a chance to show love to someone?
Were you able to forgive, maybe even ask for forgiveness?
Have you been controlling what you say?
All of these questions require obedience-how is that going?
Don't let this day pass by without spending time with Jesus. You never get those days back, and you never know if this day will be your last day. So don't waste it on self or the world, waste it on JESUS!
Prayer: Jesus before we do another thing, may we stop and spend time with You. There is nothing more important than spending time with You and in Your word. NOTHING and I never want to let a day go by without learning more about You. Amen
Monday, March 7, 2011
Asking BIG, seeking relentlessly, and knocking hard.
“When I learn your righteous laws, I will thank you by living as I should.” Psalm 119:7
Awe, the joy of waiting upon the Lord! He truly makes all things worth the wait. Though waiting is EXTREMELY difficult, the reward is GREAT.
There is a reason Jesus tells us to keep seeking Him, to keep praying, and to keep on believing during the wait.
“Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.” Matthew 7:7-8
Because when we do we will be given what we ask for (which will be according to His will and will be given in a way far better than how we ever imagined it.) we will FIND what we are looking for, and the door will be opened, a wonderful, awesome, and amazing door.
One of my dearest friends kept on asking, kept on looking, kept on knocking, and kept on believing and after 10 years of doing so this was how our amazing God answered.
That sweet thing is worth it, don’t you think? I love her, and I love her mama and her mama’s faith! That sweet girl was ten years in the making and God has HUGE, GIGANTIC plans for her!
Prayer: Jesus I am asking BIG, knocking hard, seeking relentlessly, and believing with all I am that You will work all things out for our family according to Your will. You know it is our desire to be together. You know the need we have and the situation we are in. We love You and are looking forward to what You have in store for us. We are asking BIG things Jesus. Amen
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