Saturday, February 12, 2011

His hands at work

"They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths." Psalm 119:3

Have you heard the song Shout to the Lord? It is one of my favorite songs, especially the part that says,

I sing for joy at the work of His hands
Forever I'll love Him forever I'll stand.
Nothing compares to the promise 
I have in You.

Well tonight I got to see just how amazing the work of His hands are through the lives of some very special people.

O, brethren God is good, He is good at ALL times, and I mean ALL times... good, bad, and ugly. His works are amazing, His love is amazing, He alone is amazing.

Prayer: Jesus I sing for JOY at the work of YOUR hands. Forever I'll love YOU forever I will stand. Nothing in, I mean nothing compares to YOU. Amen