“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” James 5:16
There have only been 5 things in my life that have truly taken my breath away.
- The moment Christ entered my heart and saved my soul.
- The moment I knew my extra rib came from Garrett.
- The moment the nurse placed God’s beautifully wrapped gift in my arms, Avery
- The moment the nurse placed God’s second beautifully wrapped gift in my arms, Dax
- And last night…
Avery (my 4yr old): Screaming from the bath tub: M-O-M-M-Y
Mommy: (who only stepped out of the room for a second) Running into the bathroom. What?
Avery: Mommy come watch me get baptized. (Avery now dunking himself in the water)
Mommy: Avery what does it mean to get baptized?
Avery: When you go in the water.
Mommy: Avery did you ask Jesus to live in your heart?
Avery (eyes closed): Dear Jesus come let me get baptized. Come live in my heart and I will do what you say.
Mommy: NOT BREATHING! CRYING because he did it all on his own.
Avery: Daxie say this, Jesus I will do what you say. (Yelling) SAY IT DAXIE
Dax: Jesus I do what u say.
Avery: Now lean back Dax and let me baptize you!”
Dear Jesus,
I know as a mommy there is nothing greater to take my breath than that moment. I also know there is nothing greater to the Creator of the Universe than for one of His own to come to know Him, even at age 4. Thank You for that moment, it is imbedded within me!
Jesus Avery and Dax are yours and I believe that when we seek You with all our hearts we do indeed find You. I also believe in the power of Your name and that You have filled these two amazing boys with wisdom beyond their years. Continue to do so Lord.
Jesus fill their minds with understanding of Your word, fill their souls with a hunger to know You more. May they become a utensil You can use for Your glory. Use them Lord God, use them in a mighty way.
Jesus I pray not just for my own two, but for all the boys and girls around the world. Lord I pray these babies will grow up being men and women of God who are filled with integrity, obedience, and love for You. I pray they will be bold and not compromise with evil but will walk only in Your paths.
May we as parents constantly reflect Your principles and teach our children to do the same. May we mediate on Your word together as a family. Lord help us to place You in the center of our homes and not allow the world or self to be the center. Lord would You fill homes all over the world, fill orphanages, and shelters all over the world with Your word, Your holiness, and cover each door frame with Your blood?
Jesus I pray for each and every child that has existed, exists, and will exist. I pray they will rise above the selfishness, pride, the abuse, the abandonment, and the faithlessness, and be filled with selflessness, humbleness, love, significance, and faith. May they grow to fear You, respect You and to live according to Your will.
Lord I believe You are able to do more than we could ask or hope for, and I believe You are able to go farther than that. So do that Lord, do way beyond. And thank You for one of the most amazing breath taking moments thus far. Amen