Monday, January 31, 2011

Joy…ful of integrity

“Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord.” Psalm 119:1

It is moments like tonight when you receive unexpected news that test your integrity, and not really so much your integrity but your faith. Which to me go hand in hand.

I have come to realize tonight the reason the Author starts out this Psalm with the word “Happy or Joyful.” It is because those who exhibit Christ-like integrity are also those who have received that eternal joy.

For me that eternal joy is capable of starring stress, sorrow, pain, frustration, sickness, and even unexpected not-so-good news, in the face and still be joyful because of the fact that those things don’t even compare and are not even capable of robbing eternal God-given joy.


Prayer: Lord fix our thoughts on that eternal joy. May we never allow our thoughts to fixate on stress, sorrow, pain, or sickness. We know that You who is in us is greater. Amen

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Integrity is developed in the privacy of our quiet time with the Lord

“Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord.” Psalm 119:1

Integrity to me is something you can’t put on when you walk out in public, just like you can’t pretend to know the law of the Lord and use it when it is necessary.

Integrity is something God clothes us in when we study His law and make it a part of our everyday life. It is done in the privacy of our quiet time with Him.  

Jesus is seen through those who are clothed in the integrity of His word! Their lives display honesty, and they do not compromise with evil, the world, or sin. They are full of Jesus and not the corruption of lies, gossip, deceit, anger, jealousy, pride, greed, or self.

Prayer: Lord silence our lips and let our real integrity show.  Amen

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Tiny men of integrity!

"Happy are people of Integrity, who follow the law of the Lord." Psalm 119:1

Right now I am sitting on the floor in our bathroom watching my two precious boys play in the tub. From where I am sitting all I can see are there sweet little heads peeking at me from over the top of the tub and it makes my heart leap with joy-truly leap in a way that only Jesus could make it leap. Thank You Jesus!

You know what else makes my heart leap? Knowing that one day these two babies now 4 and 2 will one day grow up to be men of integrity who follow the law of the Lord. I know that because I believe it! I believe they are His right now! 

I hear the passion they have for Jesus through their prayers and at night when they listen as we read the Bible together! I see it in their actions and it reassures me Jesus is alive within them.

I believe it because I pray it over them and I know that if G and I are living our lives with integrity and following His laws-so will they! 

I also believe when we make Jesus and His word seem like a food, drug, or drink we can't live without, so will they!

I just believe God is going to use these two boys to do some really, really amazing things for His glory!

I told you my view was great!

Prayer: Lord control every area of their lives. Fill them with a type of hunger for You that goes way beyond the occasional feeding of Your word. Let it be a hunger that lasts forever, never growing old, or getting full. Amen

Friday, January 28, 2011

Until then

“Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord. “ Psalm 119:1

We are sitting in the motel tonight and our two year old so far has done everything he has been told NOT to do. Finally after the millionth time (yes should have stopped at one) Garrett grabbed him and got his attention and then made the following comment.

“He is the perfect example of living in the flesh. He does everything he is not supposed to.”

That comment was so true, not because he was being bad but because as of right now our two boys are living in the flesh and will continue until they ask Jesus to come live in their hearts and be their personal Lord and Savior.

I must say I do believe our 4 year old has sincerely done that and when the time is right the Lord will impress upon his heart to follow him in baptism. And I know “bubba” will follow!

It is a hard realization but one that is very real. I know this fleshly living will not last long because I already see their love and need for Jesus developing and I also believe that a child is never too young to grasp and understand the importance of Jesus.

Until then we will continue to teach them the word of God, we will continue to teach them the importance of pleasing Jesus and living for Him and in His timing it will all be perfect and they will sense Him calling!

Prayer: Lord Jesus hasten the day! Amen

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Oxygen in my blood

"Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord." Psalm 119:1

How do you live out this verse? How do you actually apply it to your life and make it become an action?

How do you apply any of God’s word to your life? By obeying it, right, well that is easier said than done, and for the life of me I don’t get it, especially when you love Jesus so much. Just maybe it is because we are in a constant spiritual warfare, or maybe because we try to be in control and do it ourselves, of which I am also realizing is another big struggle of mine.

I know right now, at this very moment that if I want to apply Psalm 119:1 to my life then I need every word to penetrate to the core of my bones and all throughout my mind. In order to get God’s word to those places I have to say it over and over and over and over. One time will not suffice.

God’s word needs to become the oxygen in my blood.

I want to be full of Him and His word so much, yet I, at times pick and choose the things I want from His word to be full of.  Does that even make sense?

Do you know what else needs to be done? I need to get out of the way and let the Holy Spirit take control-which is SO HARD at times!

Prayer: Jesus teach me to put mySELF aside so the great Counselor can take control. Keep Your word constantly on the forefront of my mind. Thank You that Your word never comes back void. Amen

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Clean Slate

“Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the LORD.” Psalm 119:1

The Press: “You must have a lot of money Garrett.”

Garrett: chuckling, “Why is that?”

The Press: “Because we called tons of people and dug around to try and find something on you, but we never found anything, nor did we ever hear one negative thing about you. You must have had to pay a lot of people.”  The press laughing

Garrett: speechless

That was a recent conversation my husband had at the School Board meeting upon waiting to be hired as the new Athletic Director/Head Football Coach in Jasper TX.

It was a conversation that has lingered in my mind and one that has made our passage come alive in a way that could be seen and heard. It is always wonderful to hear people say good things about your husband, but this good thing surpassed them all.

My husband whom I have always thought of as a man of great integrity was literally clothed in it. He is a man of honesty who does not compromise with evil or corruption. He is that “person” who is happy because he follows the law of the Lord. And all people who meet him and know him see that within him and that my brethren is something I admire and hope to be clothed in as well. Not for the sake of praise from man, but because of the happiness that comes from it, and because of the pleasure it brings to our Heavenly Father.  

Prayer: Lord Jesus thank You for clothing my husband in integrity and for the happiness that falls off of him because of it. May we all strive to live lives that are full of integrity because we follow Your law. Lord we love You and we want to show You our love by living out Your word. Help us to do so. Amen

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The longest book…bring it on!

"Happy are people of integrity, who follow the law of the Lord." Psalm 119:1

Awhile back the Lord impressed upon me to study Psalm 119 and to store it. So I have been doing just that and have challenged my precious college babies to join me. 

Just today I was texting them to see how they were coming along when it dawned on me to challenge all my brothers and sisters to study and memorize Psalm 119.

I know so many of us already have verses out of this book memorized which will make it even more special, fun, and exciting when you come to it. Also we will do one verse a week, that way we have enough time to really study it, store it, and live it out.

So join us, the more the merry and the better the accountability. If you are up for it shoot us a comment. We would love to hear from you and also it will help us all keep one another accountable.

If you want we would also love to hear what God teaches you from each verse. You can email me and I will copy and paste it, or place it in the comments section. 

I am super excited, there is nothing I love more than basking in the word of God with others.  

Prayer: Lord we are so excited to store Your word. But we are even more excited to see how quickly it spreads from one end of the earth to the other. Make this become contagious for Your glory! Amen

Monday, January 24, 2011

Midlife Crisis…not really

"Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend." Exodus 33:11

Okay I feel like I have hit my midlife crisis at 30! I know that sounds ridiculous, it sounds ridiculous to me as well. To be honest I am not even sure what a midlife crisis is nor am I sure if I even believe there is such a thing. But today I love the saying because I have no other way to express the confusion I feel.

Do this or do that, will I be happy doing this, will I hate doing that? Will this be best for my family or would this be better? These are just a few of the thoughts running through my mind. I am sure it makes no sense whatsoever and I am sure it would help if I was a lot more specific but at the moment I just am not ready to be specific. I am laughing because I don’t think those thoughts would even be considered a midlife crisis, and like I said I don’t even know what a midlife crisis is. I just like it because it makes me laugh.

I can tell you that I love the conversations God and I are having about all of this. Today this was one of them.

Kristi: Lord You made it so clear to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Paul what You wanted them to do. I mean seriously You stopped Paul in his tracks and then You spent almost three years with him teaching him one on one. You made it specific to Abraham exactly what he needed to do in order to be the Father of many nations, You even gave him the exact instruction on who to sacrifice and where. Then Noah, wow, Father You were so specific with Noah. You laid out for him exactly what material to use and exactly how to build, design and fill the Ark. And Moses, You came and met with him, talked directly to him, Your presence was so real with Moses he would walk off the mountain and be glowing from Your presence. Can You be that specific with me, I mean You even made it clear to Mary exactly how the conception of Christ would happen and the reason for doing so. There are just so many stories throughout Your word where You have made it so clear to those whom You wanted to use in a specific way. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John knew exactly what to write because You spoke with power through them. I am not asking to be more than what Your will is for me, I am just asking that You show me what You want me to do and what is best for my family. You know my desire Lord, You created that desire within me, and because of that I know I need to continue to be patient and wait for You to act. Please just help me see the path You are laying out before me and keep me from taking a path I am trying to create on my own.

God: Kristi be still and know that I AM GOD.

So brethren I am going to be still-the best that I can!

Prayer: Lord thank You for meeting with me today. Help me to be still and wait patiently for You to act. Amen

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A better kind of rich

“Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11

I came across this passage today and it struck something within me that made me realize the importance of investing in my relationship with the Lord more and investing less in my relationship with the world, and when I say that I mean materialistic things that are of no value.

In Luke 12:21 it says, “Yes, a person is a fool to store up earthly wealth but not have a rich relationship with God.”

God is telling me something here and I don’t want to miss it. In order to better my relationship with Him and become rich, I have to put more into Him. His word needs to become my savings account. I need to deposit into my spiritual bank account and stop depositing into my earthly bank account that is benefiting only me.
I need to be writing checks to those who are need of Christ’s love. I need to become more concerned with how wealthy I am in Christ and not here on earth.

I want to be so rich in my relationship with God that my bank account overflows with His love, joy, peace, mercy, kindness, hope, and complete contentment in what we have together.

Prayer: Lord thank You for Your word and for filling me with the hunger to become rich in my relationship with You. Forgive me for the times I have wanted earthly richness. Amen

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just stay awhile

“Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11

Every time I reflect on this passage, I can’t help but to wonder what these times were like for Moses. I just envision him being so peaceful, so relaxed, happy, but also full of questions, and the urge to look at God and say, “Please let me just stay here with You a little longer.”

I have those moments with the Lord when I never want to leave His presence. In those times I just wish I could  stay forever.

Do you have moments like that with Lord?

Prayer: Jesus thank You for making the time I spend with You so amazing that I never want to leave. Amen

Friday, January 21, 2011

Catching up

“Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11

I am sitting in the lobby of our hotel surrounded by men and women laughing and talking. I am assuming it is a big family reunion. I am tucked away over in a little corner and I can’t help but to watch them as they mingle with family they haven’t seen in a while.

Isn’t it fun to visit family you haven’t seen in a while and catch up on what’s going on? I enjoy it so much; the only bad part about my last couple get together’s has been because of death. But even so, it is still nice to catch up and invest a little more into your relationship.

Just like when we slow down enough to catch up with Jesus and invest some time into our relationship with Him. There is never a time we don’t walk away loving every minute that we spend with Him.

We should really do that more, you know, invest quality time with Jesus like Moses did.  He met with God a lot. We should meet with Jesus a lot.

There is so much joy and laughter in this room, it just feels good, and sounds inviting. That is how I want my relationship with Jesus to be. When we meet I want there to be joy, laughter, and feel and sound so wonderful that I leave wanting to invite others to join us next time.

God is good brethren and I know He is in this room tonight, mingling!

Prayer: Jesus thank You for this huge family. Thank You for bringing them together to catch up and spend quality time with one another in joy and love. I pray that You are the center of each life and that every day they will invest their time in You. Amen

Thursday, January 20, 2011


 “Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” Exodus 33:11

Moses’ relationship with God is one I desire to have with Jesus. Listen to this conversation Moses and God had.

“Moses said to the Lord, You have been telling me. Take these people up to the Promised Land. But you haven’t told me whom you will send with me. You call me by name and tell me I have found favor with you. Please, if this is really so, show me your intentions so I will understand you more fully and do exactly what you want me to do. Besides, don’t forget that this nation is your very own people.

And the Lord replied, ‘I will personally go with you, Moses. I will give you rest-everything will be fine for you.’

Then Moses said, ‘If you don’t go with us personally, don’t let us move a step from this place. If you don’t go with us, how will anyone ever know that your people and I have found favor with you? How else will they know we are special and distinct from all other people on earth?’

And the Lord replied to Moses, ‘I will indeed do what you have asked, for you have found favor with me, and you are my friend.’ Exodus 33:12-17

Did you notice what God called Moses, His friend! I want Jesus to call me His friend. I want to carry on a full blown conversation with Jesus just like Moses did with God.

In order for that to happen I have to become a better friend. One that gets to know Jesus more, one that talks less and listens more, one that spends time each day checking on my friend.

I also need to become the friend that wants Jesus to be more glorified than me. I need to give more and expect less! I need to serve Him more, devote the time we spend together getting to know Him instead of always making it about me.

Not only do I need to be a better friend to Jesus but I need to be a better friend to my husband. I need to listen more and talk less, I need to give more and expect less. I need to be a better friend so I can become a better wife.

Studying the relationship between Moses and God has taught me a lot about how my relationship with Christ and my husband should be. They both need time, nurturing, trust, intimacy and a lot less of “me, me, me.”

Prayer: Jesus develop within me the type of friend You desire me to be. First and foremost with You and secondly with my husband whom You have blessed me to be with here on earth. I am so thankful to have him as my best friend. Amen

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Visit with Jesus first

"Inside the Tent of Meeting,the Lord would speak to Moses face to face,as a man speaks to his friend." Exodus 33:11

When was the last time you met with Jesus face to face and spoke with Him as you would your best friend?

We find it so much easier to speak with a friend than we do with the very one who created us.

How can we get to the point where we would die if we didn't get to talk to Jesus at some point in our day, just to tell Him all that is going on and what all has happened.

I mean isn't that how we feel when we don't get to talk to someone we are really close to? So why not God?

Let's make a point to visit with Jesus first-face to face!

Prayer: Lord strengthen our relationship with You. Amen

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Happy Birthday Sweet Boy

Two of our favorite people! Today is our precious "adopted" sons birthday-Weldon.

Prayer: Lord God thank You so much for this amazing young man. He has been such a wonderful godly example to so many, including us and his two baby brothers. Lord thank You for the love he has for all of Your creation. I pray you bless him beyond what he could ever imagine. Fill him with wisdom beyond his years. Guide him and direct him in the way You want him to go. May he always walk in Your footsteps and stick to the path You have set before him. 

Lord He is so special to us and we love him more than he will ever know. Thank You for blessing us with such a sweet young man. We are truly a better family because You brought him into our lives. Amen

Weldon, we love you more than we could ever express in words. You have been such a blessing to our family and we could  not have asked for a better "adopted" son! Thank you for loving our boys and us. We pray God's richest blessings to fall upon you sweet boy. 

Monday, January 17, 2011

Claiming the truth...we are precious to God

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2

Does your condemnation on others come from the sins that have taken root in you?

Does your condemnation on yourself come from the lack of faith you have in Christ?

Do you listen more to the lies of Satan than you do the promises of God?

Do you spend more time pondering on the negative than you do the positive?

Are you always comparing yourself to others and then pointing out the negative in them because of your own insecurity?

If so, the next time we begin to condemn ourselves or someone else; we need to stop and claim this following verse over ourselves and over them.

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God! They are innumerable!” Psalm 139:17

Claim the truth that God’s thoughts about you and me, His very own children, are not that of condemnation, but are precious, loving, forgiving, merciful, and full of joy.

Prayer: Lord thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Thank You that I am made in Your image, loved by You, adored by You, of value to You, and of worth to You. Amen

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Switch out the ammo

  “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2

The law condemns us and reveals our sinfulness. Let me say that one more time more for my sake than anything else. The law condemns us and reveals our sinfulness.

When you look at the life of the Pharisees they were law followers to the max, especially one in specific, Paul. Maybe that is why I relate to Paul so much, because I often find myself being a hard core law follower, even perfectionist.

In doing so, I have carried around a large gun loaded with condemnation as my ammo. I have pointed this gun at myself and at others. It is really a crazy analogy I know but if you think about it, condemnation can be very wounding. Believe me I know from experience, I have pointed it at myself and felt the impact, plus I have pointed it at others pulled the trigger and watched as the condemnation hit and pierced their hearts.

All because I have strived to follow the law and do it perfectly, when I should be walking in faith and love and doing so because my amazing Savior has drenched me with grace and love to do so.

Oh, the amazing realization’s God brings us to. I always love it when God switches out my ammo and loads it with humbleness, insight, and love. More than anything, I love that when Christ’s ammo hits me, it is less painful, more helpful, encouraging, and it brings healing and hope instead of death, disappointment, failure, sadness, and pain.

Prayer: Lord switch out my ammo of condemnation and replace it with the ammo of Your love, faith, and grace. Amen

Saturday, January 15, 2011

False Advertisement

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2

If we are following the ways of the Lord, then let’s cling tightly to this verse.

“God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.” John 3:17

God did not send us into this world to condemn it, ourselves or others, but to glorify Him, worship Him, and to bring others to know Him.

God is full of more love than any of us could ever wrap our minds around. And when His Son is living in us, we too are filled with more love than we ourselves can contain. So let’s start letting that love pour out of us like a river flooding the lives of those around us.

We want all people to see how wonderful our God is and Savior is, and if we are always condemning others, or condemning ourselves in the presence of others, than we are putting off the wrong image of who our Merciful and loving God is.

Just look at it as false advertisement. 

Prayer: Lord forgive me for the times I have advertised You in a false manner, whether through my words, actions, and even thoughts. I want all people to see how amazing, holy, merciful, and loving You are. Amen

Friday, January 14, 2011

Through One Man

“So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2

Through one man came death and condemnation, but through another man came life, life that allows us to live over sin and death and to be found right in the sight of God.  This man, Jesus Christ!

Because of His obedience, His action, and His love, you and I can walk in the kindness of God. We can also walk with confidence knowing that no matter what we are loved, adored, beautiful, accepted, forgiven, wanted, of value, purpose, meaning, and saved by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Brethren God does not condemn His children. Nor should we condemn our brothers and sisters or ourselves. We should esteem one another the way Christ esteems us, His very own children. Let’s start being more like our Father and less like the man who brought death and condemnation because of his sin.

Prayer: Jesus thank You for obeying God and going all the way to the cross. Help us to focus more on Your goodness. Amen

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let's flood the Throne Room for our sister-Joanne

My Photo

Brothers and Sisters I want you to meet one of our sisters in Christ, Joanne. Joanne is an amazing woman of God who is in MAJOR need of our prayers. Joanne has just recently suffered a stroke that has become life-threatening.

She is a mother to, two beautiful children and a wife to her husband Toben. I do not know Joanne personally, only through her amazing blog Which makes me feel as though I have known her forever and that we have a lot in common.

I ask of you today to pray for her and her family as she fights for her life. I also encourage you to check out her blog. Toben, her husband is keeping us all up to date on her condition and is encouraged daily by the floods of comments, emails, and tweets by his brothers and sisters around the world who are praying for his precious wife.

Please, I am asking each of you to stop and take a minute (or however long you feel lead) out of your day, bow your head, and lift this sister and her family up in prayer. Brethren let's flood the throne room today with prayers for Joanne.

Prayer: Jesus You know the very need Joanne, Toben and their two precious babies need for today. I ask that You go way beyond just meeting that need and that You bring healing in such a way that shocks the hospital, the staff, and people around the world. Lord I also ask that in these critical moments You fill Toben with the strength, comfort, and guidance he needs to make decisions. Lord we know You work all things out for the good of those who love You. So with that I ask boldly in Your name that You work healing into Joanne today. Jesus we believe in Your powerful healing, name and love. Be her personal Physician and perform a miracle within her today. I ask this in Your name that brings healing Jesus. Amen

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I no longer live under it…I live over it!

 “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. For the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you through Christ Jesus from the power of sin that leads to death.” Romans 8:1-2

Have you ever lived under condemnation? So have I for way too long. Do you know what happens to us when we allow condemnation to consume our thoughts, whether from ourselves, or from others? It robs us from Christ’s joy?

Do you know how hard it is to have joy and live under condemnation at the same time? It is EXTREMELEY hard and impossible.

Do you know what else condemnation does to us? It takes control of our actions because it convinces us we are not worthy, loved, or adored. It convinces us that we are wrong, too sinful, and way to unworthy to ever be accepted by Christ. It also leads us to believe we can and will never do anything right. Therefore our actions and our attitude begin to reflect that condemnation that is controlling us.

Do you ever feel like you will live under condemnation the rest of your life? Well don’t feel that way anymore because that is from Satan himself and he wants you to believe that. He even wants to rob you from ever having the joy of Christ. He will use anyone and anything especially yourself to convince you.


There is hope, there is victory, and there is that unimaginable amount of joy awaiting you that comes from Christ Jesus within you.

Because we belong to Christ Jesus, we no longer have to live under condemnation ever again. “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1

Through Christ we have been set free from the power of sin that leads to death. (Romans 8:2)

Because of Christ WE are worthy, we are loved, we are adored, and when we serve Him and search for Him with all our hearts we are able to do the right things.

 If you, like me have lived under the condemnation of yourself and others than let Romans 8:1-5 consume your every being.  Let Christ show you and lavish you with His love for you. Let this passage reassure you every time condemnation creeps up. And remember that you are free from the power of sin that leads to death because of Christ Jesus!

Prayer: Jesus freedom never felt so good. Thank You for overcoming death and sin so I no longer have to live captive to it or under the condemnation of it. Amen

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Jesus in him

"Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals." Psalm 119:5

This is our future generation brothers and sisters, and I am a proud sister in Christ upon hearing of the passion that our God fills within this brother of ours. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Because of Your absence

“Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals.” Psalm 119:5

My heart has been troubled the last two days upon hearing of the devastation that occurred in Arizona. I have no word to describe how sick it makes me.

As I was discussing this with the Lord last night I couldn’t help but to say the same thing over and over. 

“Lord this young man was created in Your image. He is instinctively designed with apart of You in him, and yet he ignored You and became a member of Satan’s army. Is that even fair to say Father? It just seems so harsh to say or to even think he is a part of his army. Oh, Lord send out Your army to recruit him to You. Not because he deserves it but because of Your love, Your mercy and Your grace.

However Father You know the anger I hold in my heart towards this young man that could walk up and rob these people of their lives. The brokenness and fear is creeping in all over this land and Lord we need You now more than ever before.

The last days are here and it is beginning to become more and more apparent. The lack of fear, the lack of You, the lack of Your word, it is diminishing. But You O’ God will never diminish!

Lord comfort the families who are mourning the loss of their loved ones. Comfort the family who is mourning the loss of their 9 yr old little girl. It’s sick Father just really sick.

Lord help us, Your children, strap on the entire armor of Christ because the battle is heating up.

Father I don’t even have to ask why, I already know the answer. Your absence. Breathe healing and life back into Ms. Giffords and not just her but all those suffering today.

More than anything Lord, bring attention to Yourself through all of this. May Your name be called upon today, may hearts be changed, eyes opened, and souls saved. Lord bring people to You through this tragedy.

Open up the heart of this young man Mr. Jared Loughner and pour Yourself within Him. May he be brought to his knees in repentance, brokenness and devastation as he stands before You in that jail cell. Then Lord may He call on You to save Him for You are his only hope. Reveal to him what awaits him if he does not make You Lord and Savior of His life. Reveal to all of us what awaits us if we do not call on You to be Lord and Savior of our lives.

We don’t have to be murders we can be just as guilty, lost, and hopeless as a deliberate sinner who feeds on self and not You. We are just as guilty as he is if we ignore You and put other God’s before You. We are just as guilty if we harden our hearts towards You because we refuse to listen to the convictions. Lord we are just as guilty when we lie, gossip, drink, cuss, steal, harbor anger, have sex outside of marriage, are fake, and lukewarm. We are guilty when we allow our addictions of drugs, pornography, TV, internet, and all other things take precedence over You. We just can’t reflect Your principals when those consume us more than Your word.

“But God show his anger from heaven against all sinful, wicked people who push the truth away from themselves. For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.” Romans 1:18-20

Lord You are a loving God who desires all people to come to know You. We praise You, honor You, and will stand for You! People might be able to hurt us, inflict pain on us and even damage our bodies but NO ONE can inflict anything on our souls when given to You, but You alone. Amen

Is Christ the keeper of your soul?

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals. Psalm 119:5

Brethren today we need to join together and put Christ's word into action.

In order to do so, we have to read His word, store His word and apply His word.

For then over time our actions will begin to reflect His word because we will have been instilling His principals within us.

Having any other actions than the ones that reflect Christ should leave us feeling out of whack, and not normal.

It's time to stop putting off God and start putting God on!

Prayer: Lord make my actions ONLY reflect You and Your word and nothing else. Amen

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Walk it then Talk it

"Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals." Psalm 119:5

If we didn't say one word, would people be able to see Jesus in us through our actions? If not, then our words are just as useless!

Prayer: Jesus Your actions from the time you were arrested until the time You rose again made the biggest impact and defined the importance of why we should walk the walk if we are going to talk the talk. Help me follow Your example and walk it before I talk it! Amen

Friday, January 7, 2011

Unspoken Prayer

This is not something I have done on Godly Gossip for many reasons, but because I know how powerful prayer is and because I know each of you will, I am going to ask you my sweet brethren if you would take a moment and pray for my family today. And if I may ask if you would continue to pray not just today but every day.  We will forever be grateful!

I so wish I could be more specific and I hope to be able to soon, but as of right now it is not the Lord’s timing, so please just pray for us because God already knows what do with your prayers and that is one of the great things about having and serving such an Awesome God.

Prayer: Lord You know the situation that surrounds us right now and You know the thoughts of our hearts. Lord thank You for all my brothers and sisters right now that are lifting us up in prayer. Bless them Father! Thank You that You are already in control and that You know all things. We love You Lord and we trust in You alone. You are our provider, comforter, and protector and we praise You Lord. Amen

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Act Consistently

“Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals.” Psalm 119:5

Has God ever just hit you so hard with something that you know He wants you to change? Well it seems He does that quite often with me. Maybe because I still have so much growing to do and He has so much refining to do, but whatever the case I am thankful He is working in me.

I know right now He is hitting me with our passage for this week, especially in the area of actions. As I sit in His word the refining begins. All that is displeasing is being revealed.

One by one He lays them out and then through His word He helps me work them out. I confess and He forgives a process that never ends. And now my actions are what will reveal if my repentance is true and real.

Prayer: Lord the only way to true spiritual change is through consistency in our actions. It is our actions that point others to You, it is our actions that reflect our time spent with You, it is our actions that speak. Lord create in me actions that are pure, peace loving, and gentle, actions that show no partiality, are willing to yield to others and actions that are sincere. Make them become so consistent within me they begin to be a natural action and reaction. Amen

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Washed in the blood

“Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals!” Psalm 119:5

With my arms outstretched and my head lifted to the sky I close my eyes and wait. I wait for Jesus to open the flood gates of heaven and let His blood rain down over me.

I feel the first drop, then the second and before I know it I am completely covered in the blood of Christ. As it runs down over me I can feel the sin, the impurity, the worldliness fall off me. One by one the heaviness of my heart begins to lighten and I can feel the freedom and Holiness of God seeping in.

The raining of Christ’s blood is beginning to let up and yet I feel a new shower begin to fall upon me. It is lighter and has an aroma that cannot be described. As I lean my head back even more I hear Jesus whisper. “This is my mercy and grace.”  

And then it goes away and a warmth greater than the sun surrounds me. I can feel it as it hits my skin and I know it is Him.

He has come all the way down from heaven to wrap me up…in His embrace. As I feel His arms wrap tightly around me my eyes close a little tighter, my heart skips a beat, and it seems as though my feet leave the ground.

I lean my head over and place it on His shoulder and whisper, “Can You stay for a while?”  And He replies, “Forever!”

Prayer: Jesus reflecting Your principals can only be done when one has been covered in Your blood. Thank You for washing us white as snow and then filling us with You, so we are able to reflect You. Remind us how precious Your blood is and that we are covered in it and Your mercy and grace daily. I pray that someone today will accept You and be covered in the blood. Amen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Actions speak louder than words

"Oh, that my actions would consistently reflect your principals." Psalm 119:5

When will the lip service stop and our actions truly begin to reflect Him, His word, His principals?

We can say all the right things, but our actions speak louder than words.

We might even be able to get away with the words and the front but in due time the truth and reflection of our heart will be seen.

Prayer: Lord what are the actions of my heart? Show me what You see.Amen

Monday, January 3, 2011

Breath T-A-K-I-N-G

“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” James 5:16

There have only been 5 things in my life that have truly taken my breath away.

  1. The moment Christ entered my heart and saved my soul.
  2. The moment I knew my extra rib came from Garrett.
  3. The moment the nurse placed God’s beautifully wrapped gift in my arms, Avery
  4. The moment the nurse placed God’s second beautifully wrapped gift in my arms, Dax
  5. And last night…
Avery (my 4yr old): Screaming from the bath tub: M-O-M-M-Y

Mommy: (who only stepped out of the room for a second) Running into the bathroom. What?

Avery: Mommy come watch me get baptized. (Avery now dunking himself in the water)

Mommy: Avery what does it mean to get baptized?

Avery: When you go in the water.

Mommy: Avery did you ask Jesus to live in your heart?

Avery (eyes closed): Dear Jesus come let me get baptized. Come live in my heart and I will do what you say.

Mommy: NOT BREATHING! CRYING because he did it all on his own.

Avery: Daxie say this, Jesus I will do what you say. (Yelling)  SAY IT DAXIE

Dax: Jesus I do what u say.

Avery: Now lean back Dax and let me baptize you!”


Dear Jesus,

I know as a mommy there is nothing greater to take my breath than that moment. I also know there is nothing greater to the Creator of the Universe than for one of His own to come to know Him, even at age 4. Thank You for that moment, it is imbedded within me!

Jesus Avery and Dax are yours and I believe that when we seek You with all our hearts we do indeed find You. I also believe in the power of Your name and that You have filled these two amazing boys with wisdom beyond their years. Continue to do so Lord.

Jesus fill their minds with understanding of Your word, fill their souls with a hunger to know You more. May they become a utensil You can use for Your glory. Use them Lord God, use them in a mighty way.

Jesus I pray not just for my own two, but for all the boys and girls around the world. Lord I pray these babies will grow up being men and women of God who are filled with integrity, obedience, and love for You. I pray they will be bold and not compromise with evil but will walk only in Your paths.

May we as parents constantly reflect Your principles and teach our children to do the same. May we mediate on Your word together as a family. Lord help us to place You in the center of our homes and not allow the world or self to be the center. Lord would You fill homes all over the world, fill orphanages, and shelters all over the world with Your word, Your holiness, and cover each door frame with Your blood?

Jesus I pray for each and every child that has existed, exists, and will exist. I pray they will rise above the selfishness, pride, the abuse, the abandonment, and the faithlessness, and be filled with selflessness, humbleness, love, significance, and faith. May they grow to fear You, respect You and to live according to Your will.

Lord I believe You are able to do more than we could ask or hope for, and I believe You are able to go farther than that. So do that Lord, do way beyond. And thank You for one of the most amazing breath taking moments thus far. Amen

Sunday, January 2, 2011

…No title would suffice

“The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results.” James 5:16

Father God,

                Because of Your Son we are now allowed to enter the Most Holy Place where You dwell. May I just say what an absolute honor it is to be in Your presence. Father may I just sit here and breathe You in for a moment…

Not only did Christ tear the curtain for us to enter but He cleared space and enlarged the room-the Most Holy Place so that we could all enter in. And I pray that at this very moment there are a million other brothers and sisters in Christ filing in to breathe You in and bask in Your presence.

Lord You don’t require a sophisticated prayer, or even a prayer that flows, makes sense, or sounds nice. All You want is a genuine and sincere heart that fears and loves You.  Lord You even go beyond that and look past the mumble jumble of our words and look straight to our heart. Thank You for creating my heart and for understanding all that it does and says and for loving me in spite of it.

Thank You for getting me when I have no words and just sit in Your presence in silence. Thank You for the times such as these when I come knelt before You broken, humbled, and desperate for Your touch that You give that to me plus so much more. Thank You for understanding every little thing about me that no one else gets but You. Thank You for allowing me to lay out my anger, frustration, fear, sadness, worry, and doubt so plainly before You and You take it all in and away, all while replacing them with Your love, mercy, comfort, and reassurance.

O’ Lord God why do we not pray more, soak You up more, search for You more? Lord You have never once left me disappointed, alone, or feeling completely helpless. The joy I have in You goes so much deeper than I could show or express, and You see that even when others might not.

Your word within me is my source of food-it fills me up and satisfies my every craving.  Your mercy and grace provide me with my every breath. Your unfailing love is what allows my body to function. The covering of Your Son’s blood O’ God is what has given me life. My first breath of life did not come when I was born but when Your Son came and lived in my heart. That Lord was and is my first and forever breath.

God just the mentioning of Your Son’s Name alone brings peace to my weary and worn out soul. 

Merciful and gracious Father it is because of Your Son I am even able to enter the throne room and speak with You.  It is because of Christ Jesus that I can not only enter the Most Holy Place and spend quality time with just You and me, but that I can enter and spend time interceding in prayer for every human that walks on the face of the earth. Thank You!

Thank You for being so real, personal, and ever so present, but most of all thank You that each and every time You literally come face to face with me. O’ God I pray that all people would experience such closeness as I have with You. Lord if they would just taste of Your sweetness I know they would never want anything else. I just know it because I have tasted it and I want nothing else but more of You.

Please Lord, please come face to face with someone today. I want them to experience Your greatness, Your love, Your desire for them.  Reveal Yourself God. Amen

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Blessed by their love...and the guest of honor

“I have never stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you might grow in your knowledge of God. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future he has promised to those he called. I want you to realize what a rich and glorious inheritance he has given to his people.” Ephesians 1: 16-18

My precious Savior,

 You have filled my heart with more love, joy, and thankfulness than I will ever be able to express.  I am so thankful that at this very moment the Holy Spirit is interceding on my behalf, because my heart is so full of Your amazing love, mercy, grace, and faithfulness.

Jesus You revealed Your amazing self through 8 beautiful families all of which are full of love, joy, and most of all YOU! Garrett and I could not have been more blessed to have been surrounded by such wonderful people as we celebrated the coming of a New Year.

With that Jesus I ask You to bless each one of these families as they begin a New Year.

Lord I begin with the sweet, sweet Gary family.

Jesus would You fill this family with Your richest blessings and continue to fill them with all the laughter and love that spills out from within them. Be their rock and their strength. May they find protection in You when the storms of life approach them.  Jesus You have placed together and created one of the sweetest families and I praise You for the privilege of knowing them. Jesus may they find all they need in You and may they continue to enrich the lives of others.  Amen

The Stafford Family

Jesus this precious family represents You in so many ways. Father would You reveal the path You want them to take. Give them discernment and wisdom as they seek Your face and pursue Your will for their lives. I pray for an abundance of Your grace and peace to fall upon them. Jesus they bless so many people with their servants hearts and I praise You for instilling such a beautiful gift within them. I never walk away without wanting to serve more because of their example. Bless them Lord and do mighty things within them. Amen

The O’Neal Family

Jesus there is no doubt You have instilled the gift of giving within this family. They are always giving their time, their hearts, and themselves to others.  I know their blessings in heaven will be tenfold and I pray it will be here on earth as well. Father guide this family as they step out in faith and grant them the desires of their heart. Lord cover them with peace, comfort, and love as they rest in You. Jesus thank You for showing us what genuine giving looks like through this family. Amen

The Monroe Family

Jesus this family exemplifies dedication. My precious Savior would You rise up within this family and use them in a mighty way to impact families all over the world. Fill them with You this New Year in a greater way than they have ever experienced. Clothe them with grace and mercy all the days of their lives. Thank You for teaching me through them what it means to truly endure through all things. I am better because of their example. Thank You Jesus! Amen

The Pugh Family

Jesus this is such a beautiful family who displays joy, hard work, and commitment. Lord I pray You would instill that more and more within my family. Jesus thank You for their loyalty to You, bless them in a way they could never ask or hope for. Reveal Yourself to them and through them in a way that impacts the lives of all those they encounter.  Thank You for the impact they have already made on my family. Amen

The Brewster Family

Jesus this beautiful family gives off the sweetest fragrance of Your kindness that the aroma is left lingering within your heart. Jesus would you bless this family with an overflow of Your unfailing love. Walk before them as they take on the things You have set before them. Use them to spread Your kindness all throughout this land. Jesus thank You for placing this wonderful family in our lives and for allowing us to breathe in the awesome scent of Your kindness. Amen

The Morgan Family

Jesus I am extremely partial to this family being because You have allowed me to be an amazing part of it. These soon to be three (baby Tyce) are so full of genuine love, happiness, and concern for others that I always walk away desiring to be more like them. Jesus bless this couple as they become parents to one of Your sweetest creations. I praise You for finding favor in them and blessing them with a child. You have brought them through one of the greatest heartbreaks this past year. As they begin this new one I pray You will grant them more love than they ever knew existed. Give them the discernment and wisdom to know how to raise Tyce in a home that reflects You in all ways. Jesus I love this family so much and am so thankful for their love for You. Give them great peace and comfort as they await the arrival of Tyce. Amen

The Williams Family

Jesus sweetness and kindness literally drip from this family. As I even sit here and type this prayer my heart is so overwhelmed with emotion because of the unending love this family has expressed to my family for the past four years. Jesus Your presence radiates off of them and it makes one never want to leave.  You have used this sweet couple to spread Your word, love, and joy all over the world through their sons and through their work for You here. Jesus I know You have great, great things in store for them. I pray that as they wait patiently for You to act that You in that time of waiting will fill them with a type of peace, understanding and trust that goes deeper than any of us could ever comprehend. Jesus would You give them a glimpse of what You have to come for them. Show them the path where they should walk O’Lord leaving Your footprints for them to follow. Lord we know You are calling them to a new ministry and though we are selfish in wanting them to stay we know Your plan is greater and that other couples are in need of them. For that Father we are grateful. Bless them, fill them, and hover over them all the days of their life. Thank You for this beautiful couple, the example they set and the reflection of You that shines off them. Amen

Jesus thank You for being the guest of honor!

Photos: taken by Baileigh Photography