Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Spread the word…

I hope this week has been one of many victories for you and that you have been able to conquer some strongholds, fears and have overcome any doubts you might have had in the Lord. If you feel led to share I would love to hear of your victories, whether they happened this week or years prior. It is always wonderful to hear of God’s amazing work in the lives of others.

Okay I am so excited about this upcoming month for Godly Gossip. Starting tomorrow we will be blessed by some special guests so I hope you will check out the blog to read the stories of these amazing people.

And don’t forget to spread the word!

Prayer: Lord I cannot praise You or thank You enough for Your word. I pray it will continue to spread from person to person. Thank You for allowing me the opportunity to share my love for You with others. May You receive the utmost honor and glory forever and ever. Be with all those who read the words spoken by our guests this next month. May there be lives changed, hearts softened, and souls saved. Amen