Monday, November 15, 2010

Daily Deposits

"He felt great pity for the crowds that came, because their problems were so great and they didn’t know where to go for help. They were like sheep without a shepherd. He said to his disciples, the harvest is so great, but the workers are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields.” Matthew 9:36-38

He has been working and tugging on my heart so much, and though it has been more than enough, He in His Sovereignty tugged a little bit harder today.

He knew the exact person to use who could get the job done-my DAD!  And it all came through a text.

This is what it said, “Could everyone please check your bank accounts and make sure of your balance. Are there regular deposits going in there?”

My first thought was okay, I have no idea what he is talking about, and being that G handles all our finances I have no clue whether all our deposits are going in regularly. So I sent the message onto him to handle and went on about my morning.

Well later on I received a phone call from my dad and we began to discuss the text. This is what I LOVE so much about my dad. He was not asking about our worldly bank accounts he was asking about our spiritual bank accounts. Wow!

Broken and even hesitant to answer I didn’t say much, when he spoke the words as though he heard them deep within my heart. “I wish I could check my spiritual bank account.” “Me too daddy, but the problem with that is mine is probably empty.”  I replied.

Oh Brethren God has really been hitting me so hard in certain areas and this is one of them. As hard as all this has been on me, I am excited and joyful because I know He is preparing me for something REMARKABLE! But before I can get there I need to be cleaned up, transformed, mature, and wiser.

There is a world beyond this computer that is full of hurting, broken, lost and poor people who are hungry and desperate to be loved and taken care of. There are people who actually want to know about Jesus, who want to grow and not just maintain. There are children who want to be loved. They want to know they have a significance and purpose. There are people who want to be accepted just the way they are.

Then you have me, who has been so blessed for 30 years but who has been consumed so much with herself, and with encouraging those who already know better, that she has wasted and missed out on so many opportunities to deposit into her spiritual bank account.

God is changing my heart in a huge way that I cannot explain but that I hope to be expressing. I hope one day to get to heaven and see the faces of women who have been changed because of Christ working in and through me. I hope from here on out to begin depositing daily into my spiritual bank account, by reaching out to those who NEED Jesus, His love, and hope.

So how about you, do you have deposits going in regularly?

Prayer: Lord continue to open my eyes to see beyond myself and into the lives of others who need You. Lord use my family to be Your hands and feet. May we never become content in our spiritual walk. Show us daily where there are needs. Amen