Monday, October 25, 2010

The Effects of a deceitful tongue.

“Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:4

The effects of a deceitful tongue not only crush a spirit but if gone long enough can kill the person.

My sister had been seeing her thyroid doctor for several years. She had been in and out trying to get her thyroid medicine under control and regulated. If any of you know it is a very vital part of you and when it is removed your body depends on medicine to make up for its absence.

For some time she had been taking three of her thyroid pills of which he recommended. Well not too long ago this doctor committed suicide.  So that left my sister in search of a new doctor. Having been sick for a while and in need of going to have her medicine and thyroid checked out, she found a doctor and made the appointment. When she got in there last week she proceeded to tell  this new doctor all that was going on, what her previous dead doctor (harsh I know) had her taking, and so on.   

When out of his mouth came something that has left me in awe, mad, and thankful all at the same time.

He told her that no one should ever take that amount because it could lead to a stroke and/or heart attack. He then proceeded to tell her she was overdosing on her medication which was causing her to be sick all the time and not only that but it would eventually kill her.  Oh, mercy I need to pray. Father You alone know the intentions of that man, and You alone are the one in control. Help me to forgive him for what he was doing to her, whether it was on purpose or not it was wrong! Thank you for keeping Your hand upon her Father. She is my flesh and blood, my “sissy”, one of my best friends, and an amazing mother. Lord You knew I needed her as my sister, You knew I would need someone to push me to be stronger, better, and more loving. You knew she would be my protector, defender, encourager, and biggest fan. Oh, thank You Father for allowing her to stay a little longer, thank You for keeping her from a heart attack and stroke, thank You that she listened to the warning signs and went in. Thank You Jesus, it is because of You, we even have life. Amen

Deceitful-lying, fraud and trickery. If we are not careful it could cost us our life. We have to be so careful and when someone says get a second and third opinion, DO IT!!!

Now whether or not his intentions were to hurt her, he was, and it has now left us wondering who we can trust, thus the reason she looked at this new doctor and said, “How do I know I can trust you?” and that is when he showed her how, by showing her the path of destruction she was on.

You might not think that our deceitful tongue is as severe, but it can be to the life of those it is deceiving.  Whether a friend, a spouse, an employee, or even a child it can have damaging effects.
We will discuss that in more detail later.

Prayer: Lord make us aware of the effects a deceitful tongue can have. Amen