Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Beyond being "2"

Daddy and I had just finished up playing basketball with the FCA group at the High School. We got home and got ready for bed when I looked over at your daddy and said, "Babe my reflux is so bad, it is killing me. I really think I could be pregnant." Your daddy laughed and said, "Honey we are not going to go through this again buying thousands of tests.(we tried for 3 years for your bubba, and in those three years mommy had taken a lot of tests.)." Well the great man your daddy is he went to the store and bought mommy her 10 thousandth test anyway.

Daddy got home and  I rushed into the bathroom with mixed emotions and before I knew it my very first test was positive. (I was ten weeks pregnant with your brother and the tests were still negative) 

Now here you are the "big" 2 and you my sweet Dax make our home and our family complete. You will never know the joy you and your brother bring to your daddy and me. You are speaking in full sentences that amazes everyone. You are very active, healthy and extremely funny. Oh I adore you sweet boy your busyness and all. 

At just the ripe age of 2 you are already falling in love with Jesus, you are comprehending and understanding His word more and more everyday. Your prayers are precious and the day you went outside and lifted your money up to Jesus was the day I knew God was living in you and is going to use you for His glory.

We pray that today will not just be the day we celebrate you turning two, but it will be the day we celebrate two years of you being a child of God.  Dax your daddy and I want you to live a life above what the world offers you, we want you to live a life that God's word offers you. Right now at 2 we want you to know all there is to know about Jesus. 

My sweet baby boy, God has a specific plan for you, He had your life laid out before a single day had passed. And mommy and daddy want to celebrate with you today because we know in our hearts that you are a child of God and your name is in the Lambs book of Life.

Stick to the Lord's path all the days of your life. Seek His word precious boy and never settle for anything less than what God's word says. Never give in to temptation, surround yourself with those who hunger for Christ and live according to His word, and always examine yourself according the standards of Christ and not the world's.

Dax God has made you wonderfully complex! He watched you as you were being formed in my womb, He loves you and wants to lavish you with His love. Let Him sweet boy!

Lord You made all the delicate inner parts of Dax. You knitted him together within my womb and I praise You, we praise You for making Dax so wonderfully complex. Lord today we celebrate You and the life You have breathed into our precious baby boy. May he be committed to You all the days of his life. Use him for Your glory. Lord we pray Dax will be a man of integrity, who delight's in doing everything You want. Day and night may he think about Your law. May he be like a tree planted along the riverbank bearing fruit each season without fail. May his leaves never wither and may he prosper in all he does. Amen