Friday, July 9, 2010

Stop making it harder than it is!

If I may be completley honest with you today, this weeks devos I had written in December. And as the Lord brought this passage back to my mind, I at first thought perfect, I will be able to catch up on some writing. Well the amazing Father that I serve and love more and more every day had different plans for why He wanted me to use this particular devotional today.

I have been dealing with some struggles and frustrations over  this last month and it just seems to have all began when I committed to my S.S.A.L.S (study, store, apply, learn and share). My friends, Satan has delcared a straight up war with me and it has been brutual. And if I could just say if this was a real life war, there would be alot of blood, clawing, hair-pulling, words flying, etc. Of course not to mention alot of tears on my end and alot of laughter on his.

My point to sharing this with you is because I want you to see and hear how amazing our God is. Just this morning as I am writing out this verse on my index card, my mind was full of so much frustration, desperation, and confusion. By the time I finished writing it, it was as though the Lord swooped down, stuck out both arms, and scooped me up. Right then and there God made it all become so clear. Kristi re-read what you just wrote. I make all things simple, "My words are plain to anyone with understanding, clear to those who want to learn." Proverbs 8:9 Let my Son live through you, let the Holy Spirit direct and guide you, and In my name stop making my word so complicating and stop trying so hard to please me. Just concentrate on the requirement I have given you in Deuteronomy let it fill you with peace, and let my Son who is in you give you freedom. "So if the Son sets you free, you will indeed be free. " John 8:36

There is nothing sweeter or more satisfying than being set free! Thank You Jesus! "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

All He asks is that we repect Hiim (fear), follow Him, (live according to His will), love Him, worship Him, and obey Him. Anything done outside of that can become and is probably man-made laws and regulations.

Are you being held slavery to something? Let Christ and His truth set you free today in Jesus name.