Tuesday, June 29, 2010


“God says we must not eat it or even touch it, or we will die.” Genesis 3:3

As she took her daily stroll through the garden, gathering fruit, walking in perfection, beauty, and love, she was approached by a serpent lurking from a tree. And not just any tree, the forbidden tree. Being her lovely, kind self she began to speak with the serpent, for she knew no stranger or even had a clue of his intentions, she had no fear, knew no sin, and felt no shame. All she knew was love, joy, peace, and one important commandment, TO NOT EAT THE FRUIT from the tree in the center of the garden. The very tree he was lurking on.

Oh, this snake (no pun intended) was sneaky and creepy. He knew he could lure her in with his persuasive and twisted words. And he did it by starting off with a question that made him look naive, gullible, and curious. “Really? he asked the woman. Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden? Of course we may eat it, the woman told him. It’s only the fruit from the tree at the center of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God says we must not eat it or even touch it, or we will die.” Genesis 3:2-3

So it began...hook, line, and sinker.

His hook- his slimy self and the forbidden tree.

His line- “Did God really say you must not eat any of the fruit in the garden?” Do you notice how he worded his question? He pointed out restriction-must not eat, and he emphasized-any fruit.

And now for the sinker…”You won’t die! the serpent hissed. God knows that your eyes will be opened when you eat it. You will become just like God, knowing everything, both good and evil.” Genesis 3:4-5

“The woman was convinced. The fruit looked so fresh and delicious, and it would make her so wise!” Genesis 3:6 (That’s all it took, really Eve, you could have at least put up a fight) I am speaking for myself when I say this, it is so easy to be convinced, especially when the person speaking puts on an outward appearance like Satan did. He can make things sound so good, look so good, and become so stinkin’ twisted that you begin to believe it and even start convincing yourself it is okay. That is until the amazing Holy Spirit jumps in and quickly reminds you that it is wrong. It is truly a battle between the spirit and the flesh.

Unfortunately for Eve, and for us, we choose to override the tugging of the Holy Spirit and follow the flesh. Just as she did! She was so intrigued at the thought of becoming like God and knowing everything, and if we women are at all wired alike, it burned within her to the point of having to have it. You know like when you find or see something you think you just have to have and it nags and nags at you until you give in. That is what she went through with the beauty of the fruit and the wisdom it would give her. Something new…yet something so deadly that would fall upon all humankind- Sin and the first of many who would fall prey to the tricks, lies, and deception of Satan.

But there is only one who did not fall into his trap, Jesus Christ. When we live as Christ did, know the word of God as Christ did, we too will be able to cut Satan at the core as Christ did, by using Scripture in the correct context as Christ did.

Prayer: Lord thank You for taking me back to the very beginning of where it all began. I am excited to walk with You as You teach me Your word, show me Your unending mercy and grace, prepare me for battle, and clothe me with the armor to be victorious against Satan. Amen