Sunday, August 31, 2014

Exodus 4-Outline


Study: Exodus 4-

Store-“Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply-Joy. Prayer. Thankfulness

Learn-God’s Power

v Exodus 4:1-17
o   As you study Exodus 4:1-17, I want you to focus on five things.
§  1. The Excuse
§  2. The Lord’s response
§  3. The command
§  4.The sign
§  5. The benefit
o   Then I want you to apply each of these to your life, by asking yourself the following questions.
§  What are some of my excuses?
§  What is the root of my excuse?
·      Is it fear, doubt, insecurity or the feeling of inadequacy?
§  What does God say about fear, doubt, insecurity and inadequacy? (This is where I want you to dig into God’s Word.)

v Exodus 4:18-31
o   As you study Exodus 4:18-31, I want you to focus on these three things.
§  1. The command
§  2. The provision
§  3. The reason

Let’s do a couple of verses together, then I want you to do the rest on your own.

Exodus 4:1-5
1. What was Moses’ excuse?
§  They won’t believe me. They won’t do what I tell them. They’ll just say the Lord never appeared to you.
·      Why did Moses feel this way?
·      Did he have any proof or reason to feel this way?
o   2.  How did the Lord Respond?

o   3. What command did the Lord give Moses?
o   4. What did God do with the Staff?
o   5. What would be the benefit of this sign?
§  Verse 5-They would believe what the Lord told him.
v What excuses have I given God?
o   1.
o   2.
o   3.
v What is the root of each of these excuses?
v What does God’s Word tell me about ________________
o   How can I claim God’s promise?

EXODUS 4:6-9

1.    What was Moses’ excuse? (Refer back to verse 1)

2.    What was God’s Response?

3.    What command did the Lord give Moses?

4.    What Miraculous Sign Did God perform?

a. How would this particular sign catch the Israelites attention? Why?

5.    What would be the benefit of this sign?

EXODUS 4:10-12

1.    What was Moses’ excuse? (Refer back to verse 1)

2.    What was God’s Response?

3.    What command did the Lord give Moses?

4.    What Miraculous Sign Did God perform?

a. How would this particular sign catch the Israelites attention? Why?

5.    What would be the benefit of this sign?

EXODUS 4:13-17

1.    What was Moses’ excuse? (Refer back to verse 1)

2.    What was God’s Response?

3.    What command did the Lord give Moses?

4.    What Miraculous Sign Did God perform?

a. How would this particular sign catch the Israelites attention? Why?

5.    What would be the benefit of this sign?

Bonus Question-What was the importance and significance of the Shepherds Staff?

a.     What benefits would Moses receive carrying the Shepherd’s Staff?
b.    What benefits does God’s Word give you today?

**Do this page last***

v What excuses have I given God?
o   1.

o   2.

o   3.

v What is the root of each of these excuses?
o   Fear
o   Doubt
o   Insecurity
o   Lack of knowledge

v What does God’s Word tell me about ________________ (list the root)

o   How can I claim God’s promise and remove the excuse?

Prayer: Jesus forgive me for making excuses. Show me the root of my excuse so I can lay at your feet and pick up Your promises. Jesus I want to be used by You. Help me to trust in You and Your Word and ignore the lies Satan tries to throw at me. Amen

EXODUS 4:18-31

v Why was it important for Moses to ask Jethro for permission to return to Egypt?

List each command, Provision and Benefit God gave Moses.

-Verse 19-

The Command-

The Provision-

The Benefit-

-Verse 21-23

            The Command-

The Provision-

The Benefit-

                      -Verse 24-26

                                    The Command-

The Provision-

The Benefit-

               -Verse 27-28

                                    The Command-

The Provision-

The Benefit-

                 -Verse 29-31

                        The Command-

The Provision-

The Benefit-

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Anticipating the Grade

At the school A attends, they always send home a Summer project. Since A is going into the 3rd grade we knew his project would consist of a little more than just reading some books.

This summer A's assignment was to pick one book out of 4, read it and then write about the main character.

So of course we began the project in July. It is now the day before school starts and his project is due and this is what we came up with.

Of course daddy drew the picture and mama wrote helped with the paper. As we were going over everything, I began to laugh.

It seems every time there is a project due, G and I help A and then wait with anticipation for our grade.

I felt like a school girl again hoping to do well on my project.

Yes, his paper is probably over the top. Yes his teacher will probably realize we did it, but in all honesty when you send homework home, you know your parents are either going to do a majority of it or the child will come back and have not done any of it at all.

I dislike homework with a passion. I honestly disagree with it and yes I use to be a teacher, but I never gave homework. I felt like when those babies went home they should be able to go home, play, and be with their families. And when you think of those precious babies whose home life is harder, why make it even more stressful for them? And as the teacher, why put that stress on yourself. It's one battle I felt was not necessary to fight.

I understand why some of it is sent home, but in reality, our children spend 8 hours a day at school. They should be able to come home and not have to spend two to three more hours doing homework.

Why are they not able to finish their work at school where they have the help they need and the resources available to be successful?

There has to be a balance somewhere, right?

With all that I said, I am sure there will be lots of homework sent home with my boys over the next 10-12 years, and we will sit down and get it done and laugh as we anticipate our grades.

It's a family affair!

I will keep you posted on the grade.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Exodus 3-Outline

Exodus 3

Study: Israel in Egypt

Store: “Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Apply: God’s Voice and Deliverance

Learn: Moses and the Burning Bush

1. God’s Presence (Exodus 3:1-6)
§  God’s Timing
o   Moses is tending to the flock
**Bonus Question-How long from the time Moses fled Egypt until God reveled Himself in the burning bush? Acts 7:30
o   Three 40’s -40 years as a prince in Egypt
                                                             -40 years as a Shepherd in Midian
                                                             -40 years as a king in Jeshurun

·       It is not until the Second forty that God calls him to return to Egypt to free the Israelites.

·       What changes and training over the last 80 years have we seen God make in the life of Moses?

§  In what ways does God grab our attention?

§  In what ways has God changed and trained you?

·       God’s Holiness
o   How does God reveal His presence to Moses?

     ***Bonus Question: What is the significance of the Mountain of God?

·       What is Moses’ immediate reaction when God reveals who he is to Moses?
o   He buries his face in his hands, afraid to look. Why?

o   How do we take God for granted today?

o   How do we get the “Fear” of God back?

·       At God’s command Moses did what?

§  What does this reveal about Moses’ understanding of God?
§  Today God gives us many commands; do we react in obedience, reverence, and with haste?

·       What are some things God commands us to do today?
                                 ***When God tells us to do something we should do it!

2. God’s Omnipotence and Calling (Exodus 3:7-10)

            -What do we learn about God in verses 7-8
·       What immediate command does God give Moses?
o   Where else do we see Jesus giving this similar command to us?
·       Matthew 28:19
·       This is a command to GO and do. God does not say, “If you want to.”
§  Are you obedient to GO when God tells you to go?

3. Moses’ Excuses (Exodus 3:11-18)
o   Upon God’s command, Moses immediately responds with excuses of why he is unqualified to go.
§  3 Excuses Moses Makes

1.    Inadequacy
a.      Who am I-He questions his ability
                                                                                                              i.     What makes you feel inadequate?

b.     How am I capable of doing something like that?

2.    Doubt
a.      He doubted God’s ability to prepare the way.
                                                                                                              i.     List 2 ways you have doubted God.

3.      Fear
a.      What do I say, what if they don’t believe me?
                                                                                                              i.     List two ways fears you have that are keeping you from fulfilling God’s call on your life.

  4. God’s guidance and assurance (Exodus 3:11-22)

o   God’s Responses
o   Excuse #1-“Who am I…”
§  God’s response-

o   Excuse #2-“…they won’t believe me…then what should I tell them?”
o   God’s response-

o   What does the name “I AM” symbolize?
§  God is never changing
§  He is the same yesterday, today and forever
·       Hebrews 13:8
  ****Bonus Question: Why did God address Himself as the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?

§  God’s commands
o   What 2 commands did God give Moses in verses 16-18

§  God’s re-assurance
o   How did God reassure Moses in verses 18-22

o   God gave Moses the greatest re-assurance in verses 19-22
                                                      How does this passage give you hope?


1. God is alive and active
2. Be obedient and act on God’s commands
3. Trust in God’s plan for your life

4. Cling and claim His promises.

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