Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 14-The Proper Clothing

"Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience."  Colossians 3:12

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day 13- Three Things That Last Forever

"Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love- and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day 12-A Committed Love

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Corinthians 13:7

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 11


"It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out." 1 Corinthians 13:6

Without love...

we have nothing

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 10

"It does not demand its own way. it is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged." 1 Corinthians 13:5

Jesus help me to love as You love, at all times. Amen

Altar Sunday

As you approach the altar today, may the Lord fill you with an enourmous amount of His love. For then as you leave the presence of the Lord His love will radiate off of you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 9- To Be an Expression of Love

"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude." 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Love is Patient

"Love is patient and kind." 1 Corinthians 13:4

I just have to ask. How is storing God's Word going?

Are you noticing a difference? Is it becoming addictive? Do you look forward to reading God's Word?

I hope by the end of these 20 days you will keep on going.

I also wanted to share one more thing with you.

Yesterday Dax and I were headed back to the clinic from Chick-fil-a and he was "dying" for his fruit. So I handed him some and he ate it, but then he wanted more. I told him he was going to have to wait until we got back to the clinic and then he could have his food. Well of course Daxie didn't like to hear that so he fussed for a little bit. So I said, "Dax you are going to have to be patient, just like mommy, daddy and nana are being patient.

And Dax responded, "Well mommy I don't have patience."

"Well you need to call Jesus and ask Him for some." I responded.

And to that Dax says, "Well mommy I can't do that, I can't have patience because patience makes my heart hurt."

Sometimes being patient is hard, and can even make our hearts hurt, but possessing patience is a wonderful virtue and characteristic of Christ.

Jesus thank You for Dax. Thank You for teaching us the importance of Your Word and the importance of being patient. Amen

Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 8-Fruit or Nothing?

"Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 7

"Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people." Philippians 2:14-15

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day 6-Less and Less

"He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less." John 3:30

As I came across this verse to memorize, I realized that if I want God's Word to be our main focus then I need to allow God's Word to be the main focus.

In order for that to happen, my words written need to become less and less so God's Word can become the only words.

So for the next 19 days God's Word will be the only thing typed, thus allowing His Word to grow more and more within us.

Jesus take Your Word and implant it within us. May it's roots grow deep down in the depths of our hearts. Help us as we memorize, store, and apply Your Word. May it become habit forming. Amen

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Beyond My Comprehension- Day 5

"Dont get sidetracked; keep your feet from following evil." Proverbs 4:27

I can't think and I can't breathe due to all the smoke that fills the air. My eyes have seen things I never want to see again. My ears have heard things I never want to hear again. My heart has broke in a million pieces. And I have learned a huge lesson.

I have to pray more for the lost.

I have come to Sodom and Gomorrah and I wish never to return. As I leave I will not look back, but I will pray. I will pray Christ will become known in this City.

I will pray more for the lost in my own city.

Sin surrounds us and though it might not be as known, it is here.

Honestly brethren I am in shock. I feel like I am having a nightmare. I am sad, broken and shocked.

Especially today! Today I watched a man throw away a Bible!


I can't even begin to imagine how Jesus feels every time we sin. I can't imagine the saddness He feels when we reject Him.

Please pray for those in the ministry here in Las Vegas. Pray God will strengthen them, protect them, and use them to save at least one person from perishing.

Today we heard a girl use extreme profanity as she stated how hot it was here. Right after that my mom said, "She thinks it's hot here, hell is a lot hotter."

Brethren, we cannot get caught up in the desires of this life. We must be careful and on guard at all times.

We must be in constant preparation for Christ's coming.

I don't know about you, but I don't want Christ to return and find me living or partaking in sin. Goodness I don't want Christ to return and find me here.

Though He already knows I am here, and is using me and teaching me while I am here. I still want and can't get out of here fast enough.

Jesus what is there to say. There are no words to describe the saddness, brokeness and devastation that fills my heart for the people here.

Jesus help them, save them. Open there eyes to see the path of destruction they are on. Open all of our eyes to see how big the need is for the lost. You know I can't comprehend this lifestyle. It's hard enough comprehending those who voluntarily live in sin and then sit in church on Sunday. It's even harder to know I fail You. Oh Jesus when I asked You to break my heart for what breaks Yours I never knew how broken it would be.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 4

"Because we have these promises, dear friends, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body and spirit. And let us work toward complete purity because we fear God." 2 Corinthians 7:1

Here I am in Las Vegas and all I have been thinking for two days now is, "What would Jesus do if He were here in flesh?"

Would He turn over tables, what would He do?

As I walk through our hotel, hundreds of people surround me. And I become overwhelmed with saddness. If you have ever been to the Bellagio, you know that the Casino is right in the middle of it, So in order to get to your room, you have to walk right through the Casino.

This evening as we were walking back to our room from our Banquet I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with the thought that though I know Jesus is Lord of my life and lover of my soul, no one else walking by me knows that.

Is there a way that just by appearance alone people could see Jesus in me? Oh, how I hope His light in me is brighter than the lights in this city.

As I see so many people engrossed in their gambling and alcohol I get a sick sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. What if Jesus came right now? How many of these people know Jesus? How many of these people will be in heaven? How many of these people will be in hell?

Do they care?

Could this place be similar to Sodom and Gomorrah?

It's nickname is Sin City. I see why, I hear why!

It's overwhelming to me. This place, this type of atmosphere.

Jesus if I exist for no other reason, may I exist to please You, share You and reflect You in such a way someone will come to know You in a personal way. Amen

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Altar Sunday

As you make your way to the altar pray for someone who is lost. It might just save their life.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Day 3

"But I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations." Exodus 20:6

Let these amazing words penetrate to the very core of your heart. Repeat them over and over until they have become apart of you. Let Jesus lavish you with His love.

Jesus thank You for lavishing us who love You with the most amazing love there is. Amen

Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 2

"Don't lose sight of my words. Let them penetrate deep within your heart, for they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning." Proverbs 4:21-22

Yesterday our verse to memorize was Proverbs 3:1-2, "Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life."

Today Jesus continues to show us why it is important to memorize and store His Word. First of all He starts the passage off with a command. Don't lose sight of my words. Let them penetrate deep within your heart.

Then He reminds us again the benefit that comes from storing His Word. For they bring life and radiant health to anyone who discovers their meaning.

Brethren, everyday we go without reading the Word of God, we begin losing sight of His Words. Secondly how can we ever allow His words to penetrate deep within our hearts, if we aren't storing it by memorizing it?

Thirdly, how can we discover their meaning if we don't spend time studying His Word. Yes, I believe it requires more than 5 to 10 minutes in the Word.

Don't lose sight of His Words. Let them penetrate deep within your heart so you can receive life and radiant health.

Jesus we long for the life and health Your Word offers. As we store Your Word open our eyes to discover Your wonderful truths. Amen

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 1

"Store my commands in your heart, for they will give you a long and satisfying life." Proverbs 3:1-2

I thought this was a great verse to begin our 20 day challenge with.

Whatever you have to do to store it...DO IT! If it helps to write it out, write it out. If it helps to put sticky notes up everywhere, put sticky notes everywhere. Whatever it takes, let this be the one thing you care the most about.

I like this verse. I think the Lord makes Himself pretty clear on why it's important to store His commands in our hearts.

Because they will give us a long and satisfying life! And who could offer us a better life than Christ?

Jesus help us store Your commands in our hearts. Keep this passage in front of us all day. Don't let it escape our thoughts. Amen

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The 20 Day Challenge

"I will study your commandments and reflect on your ways. I will delight in your principles and not forget your word." Psalm 119:15-16

If we really do memorize what we care about, then why not spend the next 20 days memorizing God's Word?

Now in order to do this, you have to count the cost.

It is going to take;

Desire and

Once you have counted the cost, it's time to make a decision.

Are you ready to make Jesus the most important thing you care about?

Then lets put our words, "We care about Jesus" into action.

Let's spend the next 20 days memorizing and storing God's Word in our hearts.

Jesus help us over these next 20 days memorize Your Word.  Amen

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

You Memorize...

"I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11

Sunday our Pastor made a comment, "You memorize what you care about."

I have played that over and over in my mind every day since then. Could it be that God is farther down the list than we realize?

We memorize what we care about!

If we care about God we will memorize His Word. We will hide His Word in our hearts.

Could you just let that sink in a little bit? Maybe, just maybe, we will begin to see where God really is in our lives.

Jesus we so often say that we care about You, yet when we examine all that we have memorized, we find out that our statement is not as true as we thought. Jesus keep us from fooling ourselves and others. Reveal to us the things we really care about. Amen

Monday, May 14, 2012


How can you look up and see such beauty, and still deny that God exists?

How can you hear the rolling thunder, and still deny that God exists

How can you see the beauty of God's craftsmanship, and still deny that He exists?


For who, other than God, can create such beauty?

No other


Can display such beauty, power, love, or demand such attention.

There is no other god greater than the God of Heaven and Earth. 

There is NO excuse!

"For the truth about God is known to them instinctively. God has put this knowledge in their hearts. From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse what-soever for not knowing God."  Romans 1:19-20

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Altar Sunday

For no other reason, go to the altar and pray for your mom. Prayer is a great gift, especially for a mom.

Thank You Jesus for Moms

Thank You Jesus for my mom

Thank You Jesus that she instilled a love for You in me

Thank You Jesus for her health, her love, her joy, her hugs, her smile, her comfort.

Thank You Jesus that she is a child of You

Thank You Jesus that she impacts so many lives everyday

Thank You Jesus for choosing her to be my mom

I am blessed, I am blessed.


Saturday, May 12, 2012

Encouraged by the Word

"I weep with grief; encourage me by your word." Psalm 119:28

I have no idea the hurt that you have endured. I have no idea the suffering you have gone through. I have no idea the sorrow and brokenness that fills your heart.


I do know that God's Word will encourage you, lift you up, strengthen you, and comfort you.

Open it up and let it fall all over you.

Jesus encourage the broken with Your Word. Thank You for the healing that Your Word offers. Amen

Friday, May 11, 2012

The Time Has Come

"Don't you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom. A number of you know from experience what I'm talking about, for not so long ago you were on that list. Since then, you've been cleaned up and given a fresh start by Jesus, our Master, our Messiah, and by our God present in us, the Spirit." 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

The time has come for us, as followers of Christ to take a stand for Jesus.

As many, if not all of you know, our President announced his approval of same-sex marriage. 

As devastating as this news was and is, it should move us to our feet. It should open our eyes and prick our hearts. It should teach us that we cannot be passive, quiet, or complacent in our faith anymore. 

Jesus has called us, brethren, you and me, to spread His name, share His Word and to stand up for Him, just as He did for you and me when He went to the cross and took our sin upon Himself. And somehow, I feel as though we are not doing our part.

If there was ever a time to hit our knees, now is that time.

The time has come for us to rise up as ONE body, strap on the armor of Christ and stand up for our faith in Jesus Christ. Now is the time we STOP blending in. Now is the time to STAND out!

This saddens me, brethren. It saddens me a great deal. Even though Christ knew this day was coming, I still believe it devastated Him. 

Let this break our hearts to the point it moves us to FIGHT for Jesus and His Word.

Satan is on the rise and he will not back down until Christ returns.

"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." Leviticus 18:22

Jesus we lift up our nation and our nation's leaders to You. Father, they have made choices that go against Your Word. Forgive them; forgive us for not standing up for what is right, faithful and true. Move us to our feet, move us closer to You. May we as Your Body, join together as ONE, for in that bond there will be strength and faith that can move a mountain. All because of Your blood. Amen

Thursday, May 10, 2012

When Your Ready to Reflect Christ

"You must be holy because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16

Do you know when your ready to start reflecting Christ? 

When you are ready to be changed. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Do You Get It?

Dax lays down on the floor, his arms stretched out, and out of nowhere looks at me and says, "Mommy is this how Jesus died?"

"Yes it is." I replied

"Did it hurt Him mommy?"

"Yes baby it did" I responded

"Did it hurt real bad?" He asked

"Yes it hurt really bad."

"Mommy I know why He did it."

"Why?" I asked

"For my sins." Dax replied

He's THREE and he gets it, he knows.

Do you?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's Your Priority?

"Commit everything you do to the LORD." Psalm 37:5

How do we make Christ and others become our priority? How do we stop focusing only on ourselves and those in our circle? 

There are so many hurting, broken and lost people all around us that we can miss out on the opportunity to serve them, encourage them, love them, and share Jesus with them.

We have so many things that we make priority, Christ needs to be the first one on the list. 

How do you make spending time in the Word and prayer a priority in your life? 

Jesus show us all the priorities that are displeasing to You. Reveal to us where You are on our list so we can make You first. Stay fresh on our minds and convict us when we place You anywhere other than first. In Jesus name, Amen

Monday, May 7, 2012

Accept His Love

"See how very much our heavenly Father loves us, for he allows us to be called his children, and we really are!" 1 John 3:1

Brethren, you are so loved. I love you, I love you! Jesus loves you! He loves you so much. Jesus loves you just as you are. He designed you very specifically and that design is pleasing to Him. Don't try to change into someone or something God did not intend for you to.

We often try to become someone or something because someone told us to. We are only to be the way Jesus wants us to be.

Where are you right now? Are you bogged down with sin? Are you trying to figure out who you are? Are you trying to figure out what you are suppose to do, your purpose?

Turn your eyes to Jesus, He will take you in just as you are. He will remove the layers and influence of the world and show you exactly who you are in Him and that living is to be lived for Him.

No one has a greater love for you than Jesus.

Jesus thank You for loving us. Amen

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Altar Sunday

Come just as you are

Come and see

Come and believe.

Come just as you are

Come and lay them down

Each and everyone

He will forgive

Bring them 

Bring you, just as you are

You are loved

You are His

He loves you just as you are

Come and see.

Come to the altar and He will open your eyes to see

that just as you are is exactly how He wants you to be

Whether broken or ashamed

suffering, or hurting

angry or infested in sin

Come to the altar 

and there He will be.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Exposed or Surrounded?

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do." Proverbs 4:23

Imagine your heart two ways.

One, completely exposed

Two, completely surrounded

Heart in number one is exposed to all the things of this world and because of that exposure its actions, speech, and thoughts are vulnerable and easily swayed. It is easily hurt, played with, and can even be damaged, torn, and broken.

Heart number two is surrounded by God's Word and because of that exposure, it's actions, speech and thoughts are Jesus led, loving, kind, gentle, and faithful. God's Word becomes a barrier that surrounds the heart. That barrier protects the heart from the influence of the world. 

What surrounds your heart? Is it being protected daily by the Word of God or is it exposed and vulnerable?

Jesus keep our hearts from the exposure of the world. As we study Your Word, surround it, layer it, fill it, and protect it. Amen

Friday, May 4, 2012

Unable to Leave the Throne Room

"By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place." Hebrews 10:20

There is the unexplained desire to cry out for those who are hurting today. To run as quick as I can to the Throne Room and beg Jesus to heal them, help them, deliver them, save them. 

There are lists of those precious people who today need more than just me running to the Throne Room for them; they need all of us, every single brother and sister in Christ.

The Parker's- As they now wait for Jesus to take Bubba home. I know that this time for them has to be so hard, (Even though Bubba has SO much peace) so I plead for Jesus to wrap them up in His arms and literally carry them through this, every step of the way.  

Mark and Dana Miller-The Cancer has now spread to her lungs. This news today devastated me, because my heartaches for her, for them. And I want nothing more than to beg for Jesus' healing to fall all over her. Yet I know Jesus' plan for her life is far better, so I sit weeping at His feet for her, but trusting and praising Him for loving her and being with her.

The couple whose marriage is crumbling- 

Dr. Brogan and family- Their son was recently in a motorcycle wreck and is now in a coma. And all while this was going on, he was saving my dad's life. We are indebted to this man, who though hurting greatly, still found strength to come and heal my daddy's heart. I cry out with tears of joy yet sorrow, pleading for Jesus to bless his family and heal their son, because he has blessed and healed so many of our families. 

The Hall Family- This is a sweet family, whose little girl was diagnosed with HLH at 6 weeks old and has been enduring Chemo ever since then. I cry out for healing for Kinley. The tears fall as I sit at His feet asking for their little girl to be healed. Yet, I rejoice because He graciously reveals to me His hand that has been upon her, healing her and meeting her needs every day.

Ty Cooley- This sweet little boy just lost four of his family members in the tornado in Oklahoma, and has been recovering in ICU. I believe he is now out of ICU here in Lubbock and is continuing to heal closer to home. Oh, merciful Lord be with him as he begins to hear the news of all that has happened. Be with his mommy as she has had to bury all four, all while staying by Ty's side. Jesus may she find strength in You. I have no words of the devastation that floods my heart for this family. I know death is inevitable, but I can't imagine the reality of losing four. All I can do is grab hold of Jesus' feet and weep. 

The Lost- This is the greatest devastation and brokenness that fills my heart. I can't breathe at the thought of one person going to hell, especially if it is because we wasted opportunity in sharing Jesus with them. I understand those who right out refuse Jesus, and though they do, it stills saddens me greatly that they would reject "life." I honestly can't fathom ever leaving the Throne Room for the lost. 

Honestly I am not sure we should EVER leave the Throne Room. There is just too great of needs, and Christ is the ONLY one who can heal, help, protect, comfort, restore, forgive, and save.

Brethren, would you enter the Throne Room with me?

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Light and Joy

"The life of the godly is full of light and joy, but the sinners light is snuffed out." Proverbs 13:9

Do you ever have days, weeks, or months when you feel as though you have no joy?

Do you ever wonder how bright the "light" in you really is?

We all have times when frustration, stress, sadness, sin and overwhelming busyness bring us down emotionally and physically.

But we need to be reminded that the life of the godly is full of light and joy. We can either rise above the stress of this life or be full of joy, or we can let the sin and world snuff out our light. 

It's our choice!

Jesus we choose the godly life that is full of light and joy. We are accepting every ounce of joy You give us and we ask that You make our light so bright it becomes blinding. Amen

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Praying and Rejoicing for a Very Special Family

 Brethren I have a very special friend whom I love so very much. I have spoken of her on here before. She is a second mama to Dax, whom he loves to pieces (as he reminds me daily) and misses SO much. 

Her family needs all the prayers you can offer on their behalf. They need you to spread this prayer request far and wide. 

Her precious husband has heard the Lord calling him home, and he is ready. He is ready to go be with the Lord and receive the new body that is awaiting him. He has battled heart conditions for some time and especially over this last month in the hospital. 

So, as the decisions have now been made, and as he has spent the last several days spreading Jesus to every family member, nurse, doctor, and stranger that walks by, he now waits for Jesus to welcome him home.

Pray that it will be quickly. Pray there will be no suffering, pray it will be peaceful. Pray for his precious family as they sit by his side soaking up every last second with him they can. 

Pray for strength. And then...REJOICE! Rejoice for him, for soon he will be sitting at the feet of Jesus, the place we all desire to be. 

"Our bodies now disappointment us, but when they are raised, they will be full of glory. They are weak now, but when they are raised, they will be full of power. They are natural human bodies now, but when they are raised, they will be spiritual bodies." 1 Corinthians 15:42-44

You my precious brother in Christ are entering a place I long to be. I rejoice with you and praise our Heavenly Father, for very soon sweet Bubba you will be full of glory and power. Your body will no longer hurt nor will there be a struggle ever again. You are healed in Christ Jesus! 

We love you so very much!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Do It Because It's His Will For You Who Belong to Christ Jesus

"Always be joyful. Keep on praying. No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

This very important thing Jesus has called us to do is something that needs to be done more. Prayer! Prayer for our brothers and sisters, prayer for our nation, prayer for a cities, prayer for the lost, prayer for the missionaries, prayer for the widows and homeless, prayer for the orphans, and prayer for the battered and abused men and women. 

Prayer for the addicted, prayer for the confused, prayer for the weary, prayer for those who are mourning, prayer for the suffering, and prayer for our Pastors and Church. 

And not just prayer for the things above, but prayers of praise, joy, thankfulness, love and adoration. Pray prayers of praise because Jesus is alive and He loves each of us. 

Let's start praying more; more for others rather than ourselves alone and prayers of praise and thankfulness. It does a body good...really!