Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I can do this...we can do this!

"She will not hinder him but help him all her life." Proverbs 31:12

A sick baby, a new job, a new time consuming job, a move, and two very tired individuals is just enough ammo for Satan to use to cause havoc. 

We are fighting, yes with each other but also together to overcome this TRIAL. 

I know there is victory awaiting, I know there is something GREAT awaiting us at the end of all this and I am ready.

But right now the "knows" are just not enough, I am needing more Lord. 

I am needing deliverance, help, strength, and reassurance. Help me not doubt Lord. Jesus I am weak, but You are strong.

Just bring us on the other side of this stronger and wiser Lord. As bad as all this is I love You and want nothing more than to grow wiser and closer to You. So at the end I know it is worth it, and so very temporary.