Friday, February 28, 2014

Dax Update

For many of you who know Dax's story, know it hasn't been the easiest five years of his life, but it hasn't been the worst either. 

A couple of weeks ago Dax had some more testing done. 

Allergy testing to see where he was, simply because his poor skin, nose and headaches were not getting any better no matter what meds he took. Those results showed his allergies have doubled  since 2012. 

He was such a trooper. Here are a few pictures. He is such a big boy.

This is just a hint of how bad his skin is. This has been all over his body.

His other arm. :(

These popped up not even a minute after they applied them. 

I failed to get a finale pic of his back after the 25 minutes due to his discomfort and severe itching.

We now carry an EPI pen, and will begin allergy shots twice a week for the next five years. 

We also had his MRI done due to the headaches. This went great. The cyst has not changed, it's not gone but it's not growing. Praise The Lord!

We now can confirm the headaches are all sinus related. 

He had his blood tested again, we do this every six months to see if his IGA is coming up any. Unfortunately they are not, and his vitamin D is extremely low. 

Though we were disappointed about those results we are thankful and feel like we are finally moving in a good direction with this sweet little guy of ours. 

He is so strong, sweet, funny, hyper, busy, smart and challenges us daily with his questions. 

I just couldn't love these three boys of mine anymore than I do. My heart often feels like erupting because I love them so much. 

They humble me, teach me things about myself that I desire to change to be better for them, and their love for me, well, there is nothing greater.