Monday, September 30, 2013

Cleaning Out the Excess Junk In Our Bodies-Part 2

The second way to honor God with our bodies, express self-control and discipline and clean out the excess junk is by…

2. The Word of God. (Never let food or anything else become a replacement for God’s Word.)

        -This is the GREATEST tool and most important one to have. 
        -The Lord says, in Matthew 4:4-"People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God." 
        -When we make this verse apart of us, meaning when we actually chew on this, swallow it and let the Holy Spirit break it down within us, we will begin to realize how much more fulfilling God is rather than the following.
a.    Food
b.    Materialistic items
c.    Money
d.    Appearance
e.    Fleshly Desires

      -Food is a natural desire for us. Food is a good thing, when used in the right way and for the right reason. Let me ask you a few questions.

•   Do you eat just to eat?
•   Do eat when you are stressed?
•   Do you eat when you’re sad?
•   Do you binge eat?
•   Do you eat to fulfill a void?

If you answered yes to any of these, what is your motive and reason behind doing what you do?

Your best results will come from getting to the root of why you do what you do. This is something you will need to visit with the Lord about. He is the only One that can show you the true reason you are do what you do. Your greatest benefit will come when you are honest before the Lord.

If food has become an idol, tell Jesus. Ask Him to help you remove the foods that have taken the place where He and His Word should be.

Ask Him to help you understand the role He created food for, which is to nourish you and supply energy. Not to become an addiction or misused gift.

One perfect example of many, is the daily supply of manna, God gave the Israelites. God provided JUST what they needed, nothing more nothing less.  But what did they do, they complained. They had tasted great food in Egypt, and longed for that, all while missing the most important point God was making. True obedience and trust that God would provide.

“Oh, that we were back in Egypt, they moaned. It would have been better if the Lord had killed us there! At least there we had plenty to eat. But now you have brought us into this desert to starve us to death. Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Look, I’m going to rain down food from heaven for you. The people can go out each day and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether they will follow my instructions. Tell them to pick up twice as much as usual on the sixth day of each week...And the Lord said to Moses, I have heard the people’s complaints. Now tell them, in the evening you will have meat to eat, and in the morning you will be filled with bread. Then you will know that I am the Lord your God. That evening vast numbers of quail arrived and covered the camp. The next morning the desert all around the camp was wet with dew. When the dew disappeared later in the morning, thin flakes, white like frost, covered the ground. The Israelites were puzzled whey they saw it. What is it? They asked. And Moses told them, it is the food the Lord has given you. The Lord says that each household should gather as much as it needs. Pick up two quarts for each person. So the people of Israel went out and gathered this food-some getting more, and some getting less. By gathering two quarts for each person, everyone had just enough. Those who gathered a lot had nothing left over, and those who gathered only a little had enough. Each family had just what it needed.” Exodus 16:3-5; 11-18 (To know more-re-read all of 16 in its entirety.)

What is the point of all this?
  1.   God always provides our daily needs, especially when it comes to food.
  2.   We must be obedient with how and what we eat.
  3.   We should not over-indulge ourselves.
  4.   We need to pay attention to the details of His Word when it comes to food.
  5.   We need to be thankful for our daily bread, and remember that all these extras, they are luxuries that are not to be misused. (I.E. Candy, cheesecake, ice-cream, fast-food, etc.)
  6.   Remember you are a reflection of Christ.
  7.   God should be your go-to for comfort not food or anything else for that matter.
  8.   Resist the temptation to eat unhealthy when stressed, in a hurry, to tired to cook, etc.
  9.   Just as God gave the Israelites specific amounts to eat, He also gives us those same specific guidelines.
   10.   Remember this, “Yes, I am the bread of life! Your ancestors ate manna in the wilderness, but they all died. However, the bread from heaven gives eternal life to everyone who eats it. I am the living bread that came down out of heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; this bread is my flesh, offered so the world may live.” John 6:48-51-Jesus is your daily bread. He is fulfilling and satisfying. Seek Him first.