Thursday, July 11, 2013

Someone You Love Going to Hell...

"Don't be afraid of suffering for the Lord. Work at bringing others to Christ. Complete the ministry God has given you." 2 Timothy 4:5

Does the thought of someone you love going to hell, devastate you and move you to the place that you are willing to get uncomfortable for their souls sake?


Do you pray for them and hope someone else will share God's truth and love with them?

Brethren, if the thought of our loved ones going to hell doesn't motivate us to share the Good News with them, then I can't imagine how little our concern is for the lost stranger.

Let's step outside of our comfort zones and share Jesus with the lost. Let's not wait any longer for the right time, lets do it now.

Jesus set up a divine intervention for each of us to share Your truth and love with someone who is lost. Whether a family member, co-worker or complete stranger. Use us. Break our hearts for the lost, Jesus. Amen