Friday, February 15, 2013

The Golden Rule

"Do for others what you would like them to do for you." Matthew 7:12

 I think the greatest place to start is by seeking the Lord and asking Him to reveal to you how exactly you want to be treated.

This might sound crazy but the truth is we have fallen far away from this Golden Rule.

All throughout Scripture we see how the Lord treats us and He did it knowing that it might not ever be reciprocated.

After you have sought the Lord's counsel then I say make a list. List out 10 ways or things you would like others to do for you or how you want them to treat you and then you begin to do it for them first.

I think it is wise to go into this knowing that it's not about you getting something in return, but that you are returning the same love Christ has given and shown you.

I think we could all apply this Golden rule a little more than we do.

Jesus cleanse me from self, so that I can offer all of me to loving and serving others the way You have taught me to, with selflessness and mercy. You have done the most amazing things for me and I want to pour that out onto others. Forgive me for failing to obey You in this area. Amen