Thursday, December 27, 2012

How Will You?

Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom."
Psalm 90:12

As the New Year approaches, we often make plans of what we want to do different, change, and strive for.

For me, I want to make the most of the time I have left. I want to be a better child of God. I want to be joyful, kind, loving, patient, and gentle. I want to serve others more, live wiser, work harder, and share Jesus more.

I want to shine brighter for Him and listen to Him more. I want to be changed, cleansed and filled up with Jesus more than I ever have.

I want to be set free from the sins that have entangled me and walk in His freedom.

I want to laugh more, live by what I know is His Word says, and walk with confidence.

I want to doubt less, trust more, and be so much of His reflection that others immediately see Him.

I want be more prayerful and be there more for others than I have been.

This New Year, I will prepare more for His arrival, stay alert and ready, and be clothed in His armor.

I will, in 2013, by the power of the Holy Spirit continue to overcome Miss “Me”

Jesus help me to make the most of my time so that I might better serve and reflect You. Amen