Monday, October 1, 2012

The Model Servant

“Jesus replied, ‘But if I don’t wash you, you won’t belong to me.” John 13:8

Peter didn’t understand why Jesus was persistent in washing his feet. All he knew is that Jesus the Messiah was washing his feet and that was not something a Master does. Only servants!

But then Jesus makes a profound statement, “But if I don’t wash you, you won’t belong to me.”

What does that mean, “If you don’t wash my feet I won’t belong to you?”

It means you have to be a servant. You have to lower yourselves to the most humble position, just as Christ did and serve.

Jesus did this to set the example for His disciples. He wanted them to follow His example and go out and serve others. Christ set that same example for us today.

How well are we serving others today?

Are we teaching our children what it means to serve?

Let’s take on the attitude of Christ and humble ourselves.

Jesus help me to follow the example You set for us. May I never demand to be served but willing to serve others at all times. Amen
