Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bleach Germs Sin and God's Word

I was once told to stop using so much bleach and to stop keeping my house so clean so that some germs could get in allowing our bodies to build up ammunity to them. I laughed at the comment because if anyone knows me they know that is not going to happen.

Besides it doesn't matter how much bleach or Lysol I use germs are always present. Just like sin!

Sin is everywhere and it needs to be handled just like germs. We need to be constantly on guard, prepared, covered and protected with God's Word. His armor is our weapon of defense. It is our safety, protection and it is what kills and keeps sin at bay.

Bleach is a killer to germs like God's Word is to sin.

We need more of God's Word, we need to be using it more, sharing it more, speaking it more, and storing it more because sin is spreading.

Jesus wrap us in Your armor and protect us from sin. Amen