Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Special Guest with an amazing testimony-Alisha Fussel

I am honored to have a sweet friend of mine, Alisha Fussel share her testimony. Her story and faithfulness offers so much hope. I know you will be as blessed as we have by her passion to help women. I hope you will check out her website following her testimony.

Thank you Alisha for sharing God's love and mercy with us. Most of all thank you for listening to His call to step out and help women in need. 

My family knows the consequences of sexual sin. At a very young age, I found myself unexpectedly pregnant. The emotions one feels in this situation are hard to explain. I felt scared, overwhelmed, depressed, sad, angry, judged, filthy, and oddly enough, happy. This may not make sense at all to someone who has not been there. There was a precious life that God created, and that did bring some joy in the midst of all the emotions involved. Many people were encouraging me to have an abortion. (Including some in the church) I praise God for His unconditional love. It is His love that drew my heart back to Him. He loved me even when I felt so unlovable. I chose life! I now have a beautiful 9 year old son, who God created with purpose. I cling to Romans 8:28. I can make HUGE messes of things, but God is so good!! He takes these messes, and still brings good out of them. I love God, and want nothing more than for Him to flow through me to help others.

Three years after my son was born, I received a phone call from a woman I did not know explaining to me that she had a five year old son who was my husbands. Before my husband and I were together, and before we whole heartily began to serve the Lord, this woman had a child and did not call to inform my husband. This situation has not been a walk in the park, but again, I cling to Romans 8:28. Thank God she did call us and now we can be a part of his life. She also shared with me how she was in the abortion clinic about to have the procedure.  She walked out at the last minute.  I look at my step-son and my son and truly am amazed. I am overwhelmed by God’s grace and mercy in my life.

That was just a brief history so you might understand my heart and passion. With the help of an amazing team that God put together, East Texas Pregnancy Help Center has been formed in Jasper, Texas. My heart is to help those who find themselves in the same situation that I was once in. God has opened my eyes to see that many have it much worse. They do not have any support from family or friends. They need support, love, encouragement, and most of all, God. We have only been open for a little over a month, and already we have seen the abortion minded woman chose life! We have seen salvations! We have seen people with no hope at all leave the center beaming with hope! I could go on and on, but the main thing is that God is at work!

To learn more about the ministry you can go to our website at www.etphc.org or call us at 409-381-8600.