Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lord I want to please You!

Our purpose is to please God, not people. He alone examines the motives of our hearts.” 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Pleasing God should be the force that drives us. It should be the first thing we think about when we wake up, as we go throughout our day, and when we lay down at night. Unfortunately for me it has not always been that way, there have been more times than I care to count of when I have tried to please myself, my family, friends, bosses, even people I don’t know.

So when the Lord impressed this upon my heart I had an overwhelming amount of emotions run through me. 

Lord I want to please You; I want to please You more than I want my heart to beat. I want to please You here, now, and for eternity. Lord I want  to please You in my suffering, my weakness, with my heart, my thoughts, my actions, attitude, words, with my example, in every step I take, as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, writer, but most of all Lord I want to please You because You are my Father.

Lord examine the motives of my heart and MAKE it pleasing to You. Lay out before me all that pleases You for then my life will be an example of Christ. Above all Lord make Your word come alive within me. Amen