Tuesday, July 6, 2010


“And now Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires you to fear him, to live according to his will, to love and worship him with all your heart and soul, and to obey the Lord’s commands and laws that I am giving you today for your own good.” Deuteronomy 10:12-13

There is so much that is required of us now days that it can become very overwhelming. We even require so many things for ourselves that when not fulfilled we are left disappointed.

I believe it even gets to a point where we try to live up to the world’s requirements and others standards that we lose sight of who we are.

There is only one person whose requirements should matter and that is God! He is the only one who will and can show us exactly who we are to be. And in all His awesomeness He has made it very simple and clear for us to live up to and achieve.

The greatest part about doing what He asks is His promises hold true and are everlasting. And He is there helping us, guiding us and teaching us. He never fails us or deserts us. He gives us all that we need to be successful.

So what exactly does God require of us? He wants us to fear Him, live according to His will, love Him, worship Him, and obey Him. He wants it to be ALL about Him!

Week 6 I hope you will join me as we dig deeper into what God requires of us and let His word transform us.

Prayer: Jesus today we confess that we have tried to live up to the requirements of man. Forgive us and teach us, instruct us and guide us as we seek to live up to Your requirements. Thank you that you have made them available to each of us. In Jesus name, Amen